Appendix K An entry for each concept

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Index EntrySection

--add-bash, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--bash-program, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--brief-help, predefined optiongetopts options
--brief-usage, predefined optiongetopts options
--check-version, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--debug, predefined optiongetopts options
--define, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--encoded-args, predefined optiongetopts options
--eval, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--force, predefined optiongetopts options
--help, predefined optiongetopts options
--include, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--interactive, predefined optiongetopts options
--libmbfl, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--library, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--license, predefined optiongetopts options
--list-exit-codes, predefined optiongetopts options
--no-prepro, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--null, predefined optiongetopts options
--output, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--preserve-comments, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-exit-code-names, predefined optiongetopts options
--print-exit-code, predefined optiongetopts options
--print-libdir, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-libmbfl-arch, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-libmbfl-at, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-libmbfl-containers, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-libmbfl-git, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-libmbfl-linker, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-libmbfl-passwords, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-libmbfl-tests, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-libmbfl-utils, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-libmbfl, preprocessor optionpreprocessor invoking
--print-options, predefined optiongetopts options
--show-program, predefined optiongetopts options
--show-programs, predefined optiongetopts options
--silent, predefined optiongetopts options
--test, predefined optiongetopts options
--tmpdir, predefined optiongetopts options
--usage, predefined optiongetopts options
--validate-programs, predefined optiongetopts options
--verbose-program, predefined optiongetopts options
--verbose, predefined optiongetopts options
--version-only, predefined optiongetopts options
--version, predefined optiongetopts options
-f, predefined optiongetopts options
-h, predefined optiongetopts options
-H, predefined optiongetopts options
-i, predefined optiongetopts options
-v, predefined optiongetopts options

Archives, tarlibmbfl-arch tar
Archiving and compressing, library libmbfl-arch.bashlibmbfl-arch
Arithmetic expressionsmath
Array declarations usable with NAMEREF variablesarrays nameref
Arrays fold iterationcontainers arrays conventions iterations
Arrays foreach iterationcontainers arrays conventions iterations
Arrays left iterationcontainers arrays conventions iterations
Arrays map iterationcontainers arrays conventions iterations
Arrays multi iterationcontainers arrays conventions iterations
Arrays right iterationcontainers arrays conventions iterations
Arrays, declaringarrays declare
Arrays, declaring as data variablesarrays nameref
Arrays, inserting valuescontainers arrays insert
ARRY parametercontainers arrays conventions parameters
ARRYS parametercontainers arrays conventions parameters
at command, library interface libmbfl-at.bashlibmbfl-at

bash, external commandprogram preselected
Basic interface to git, libmbfl-git.bashgit
bzip2, commandlibmbfl-arch compress

CFGOPT, function parameter, reference to object of class mbfl_vc_git_config_optiongit config
Changing directoryfile cd
chgrp, changing file and directory groupfile owner
chgrp, external commandprogram preselected
chgrp, normalising file and directory groupslibmbfl-utils files install
chmod, changing file and directory access permissionsfile perms
chmod, commandfile listing
chmod, external commandprogram preselected
chmod, normalising file and directory access permissionslibmbfl-utils files install
chown, changing file and directory onwerfile owner
chown, commandfile listing
chown, external commandprogram preselected
chown, normalising file and directory ownerslibmbfl-utils files install
Class definitionobjects conventions
CND function parameterconditions base class
CND parameterconditions base class
Command bashprogram preselected
Command bzip2libmbfl-arch compress
Command chgrpprogram preselected
Command chmodfile listing
Command chmodprogram preselected
Command chownfile listing
Command chownprogram preselected
Command cpfile copy
Command cpprogram preselected
Command dateprogram preselected
Command findprogram preselected
Command gawkprogram preselected
Command gziplibmbfl-arch compress
Command idprogram preselected
Command installprogram preselected
Command line options, parsinggetopts
Command lnfile symlink
Command lnprogram preselected
Command locateprogram preselected
Command lsfile listing
Command lsprogram preselected
Command m4program preselected
Command mkdirfile mkdir
Command mkdirprogram preselected
Command mkfifoprogram preselected
Command mvfile move
Command mvprogram preselected
Command readlinkfile listing
Command readlinkprogram preselected
Command realpathfile realpath
Command realpathprogram preselected
Command rmfile removing
Command rmprogram preselected
Command rmdirfile removing
Command rmdirprogram preselected
Command sleepprogram preselected
Command sortprogram preselected
Command statprogram preselected
Command sudoprogram preselected
Command tarlibmbfl-arch tar
Command updatedbprogram preselected
Command whoamiprogram preselected
Command xargsprogram preselected
COMPAR parameter for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Compressing and archiving, library libmbfl-arch.bashlibmbfl-arch
Compressing fileslibmbfl-arch compress
Containers library, libmbfl-containers.bashcontainers
Copying filesfile copy
cp, commandfile copy
cp, external commandprogram preselected
Creating directoriesfile mkdir
Creating links between filesfile symlink
Creating symbolic links between filesfile symlink
Creating tar archiveslibmbfl-arch tar

Data variable, definitionpreprocessor nameref intro
date, external commandprogram preselected
Declaring arraysarrays declare
Declaring arrays as data variablesarrays nameref
Declaring read–only arrayspreprocessor nameref declaring
DEFCLS function parameterobjects conventions parameters
Defining program-execution functionsprogram executing defining
Definition of Classobjects conventions
Definition of data variablepreprocessor nameref intro
Definition of metaclassobjects conventions
Definition of objectobjects conventions
Definition of proxy variablepreprocessor nameref intro
DEFMETACLS function parameterobjects conventions parameters
DEFOBJ function parameterobjects conventions parameters
Directories, creatingfile mkdir
Directory, changingfile cd

Evaluating arithmetic expressionsmath
Evaluating mathematical expressionsmath
Executing command bzip2libmbfl-arch compress
Executing command chmodfile listing
Executing command chownfile listing
Executing command cpfile copy
Executing command gziplibmbfl-arch compress
Executing command lnfile symlink
Executing command lsfile listing
Executing command mkdirfile mkdir
Executing command mvfile move
Executing command readlinkfile listing
Executing command realpathfile realpath
Executing command rmfile removing
Executing command rmdirfile removing
Executing command tarlibmbfl-arch tar
Executing external programs, defining executor functionprogram executing defining
Existence of filesfile testing file
External command bashprogram preselected
External command chgrpprogram preselected
External command chmodprogram preselected
External command chownprogram preselected
External command cpprogram preselected
External command dateprogram preselected
External command findprogram preselected
External command gawkprogram preselected
External command idprogram preselected
External command installprogram preselected
External command lnprogram preselected
External command locateprogram preselected
External command lsprogram preselected
External command m4program preselected
External command mkdirprogram preselected
External command mkfifoprogram preselected
External command mvprogram preselected
External command readlinkprogram preselected
External command realpathprogram preselected
External command rmprogram preselected
External command rmdirprogram preselected
External command sleepprogram preselected
External command sortprogram preselected
External command statprogram preselected
External command sudoprogram preselected
External command updatedbprogram preselected
External command whoamiprogram preselected
External command xargsprogram preselected

FDL, GNU Free Documentation LicenseDocumentation License
Files, changing directoryfile cd
Files, compressionlibmbfl-arch compress
Files, copyingfile copy
Files, groupfile listing
Files, linksfile symlink
Files, listingfile listing
Files, movingfile move
Files, normalisationfile realpath
Files, ownerfile listing
Files, owner and groupfile owner
Files, permissionsfile perms
Files, reading and writingfile read and write
Files, removingfile removing
Files, sizefile listing
Files, symbolic linksfile symlink
find, external commandprogram preselected
Function parameter ARRYcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Function parameter ARRYScontainers arrays conventions parameters
Function parameter CNDconditions base class
Function parameter COMPAR for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
function parameter DEFCLSobjects conventions parameters
function parameter DEFMETACLSobjects conventions parameters
Function parameter DEFOBJobjects conventions parameters
Function parameter ISEQUAL for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Function parameter ISGREATER for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Function parameter ISLESS for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Function parameter OPERATOR for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Function parameter PARSER_INPUTsemver classes input
Function parameter PRED for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Function parameter SEMVER_PARSERsemver classes parser
Function parameter SEMVER_SPECsemver classes spec
Function parameter STKcontainers stacks

gawk, external commandprogram preselected
Getting file permissionsfile perms
Getting group of filesfile listing
Getting owner of filesfile listing
Getting size of filesfile listing
git, version controlgit
Group of filesfile listing
Group of of filesfile owner
gzip, commandlibmbfl-arch compress

id, external commandprogram preselected
Index arrays, inserting valuescontainers arrays insert
Inserting values into an index arraycontainers arrays insert
install, external commandprogram preselected
Interface to archiving and compressing, library libmbfl-arch.bashlibmbfl-arch
ISEQUAL parameter for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
ISGREATER parameter for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
ISLESS parameter for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters

lastpipe, Shell built–in optionlocations handlers
LGPL, Lesser General Public LicensePackage License
libmbfl-arch.bash, library interface archiving and compressinglibmbfl-arch
libmbfl-at.bash, library interface to atlibmbfl-at
libmbfl-containers.bash, containers librarycontainers
libmbfl-git.bash, basic interface to gitgit
libmbfl-linker.bash, utilities librarylinker
libmbfl-passwords.bash, library generating passwordspasswords
libmbfl-utils.bash, utilities librarylibmbfl-utils
Library generating passwords, libmbfl-passwords.bashpasswords
Library interface to archiving and compressing, libmbfl-arch.bashlibmbfl-arch
Library interface to at, libmbfl-at.bashlibmbfl-at
Library of utilities, libmbfl-linker.bashlinker
Library of utilities, libmbfl-utils.bashlibmbfl-utils
Links between filesfile symlink
Listing filesfile listing
ln, commandfile symlink
ln, external commandprogram preselected
locate, external commandprogram preselected
Locations, maker handlerslocations core
ls, commandfile listing
ls, external commandprogram preselected

m4, external commandprogram preselected
Maker handlers for locationslocations core
Mathematical expressionsmath
Metaclass definitionobjects conventions
mkdir, commandfile mkdir
mkdir, external commandprogram preselected
mkfifo, external commandprogram preselected
Moving filesfile move
mv, commandfile move
mv, external commandprogram preselected

NAMEREF usable arraysarrays nameref
Normalising file and directory access permissions.libmbfl-utils files install
Normalising file and directory groupslibmbfl-utils files install
Normalising file and directory ownerslibmbfl-utils files install
nullglob, Shell built–in optionlocations handlers

Object definitionobjects conventions
OPERATOR parameter for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Owner of filesfile listing
Owner of of filesfile owner

Parameter ARRYcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Parameter ARRYScontainers arrays conventions parameters
Parameter CNDconditions base class
Parameter COMPAR for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Parameter DEFCLSobjects conventions parameters
Parameter DEFMETACLSobjects conventions parameters
Parameter DEFOBJobjects conventions parameters
Parameter ISEQUAL for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Parameter ISGREATER for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Parameter ISLESS for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Parameter OPERATOR for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Parameter PARSER_INPUTsemver classes input
Parameter PRED for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Parameter SEMVER_PARSERsemver classes parser
Parameter SEMVER_SPECsemver classes spec
Parameter STKcontainers stacks
PARSER_INPUT parametersemver classes input
Parsing command line optionsgetopts
Permissions of filesfile perms
PRED parameter for arrays APIcontainers arrays conventions parameters
Predefined option --brief-helpgetopts options
Predefined option --brief-usagegetopts options
Predefined option --debuggetopts options
Predefined option --encoded-argsgetopts options
Predefined option --forcegetopts options
Predefined option --helpgetopts options
Predefined option --interactivegetopts options
Predefined option --licensegetopts options
Predefined option --list-exit-codesgetopts options
Predefined option --nullgetopts options
Predefined option --print-exit-codegetopts options
Predefined option --print-exit-code-namesgetopts options
Predefined option --print-optionsgetopts options
Predefined option --show-programgetopts options
Predefined option --show-programsgetopts options
Predefined option --silentgetopts options
Predefined option --testgetopts options
Predefined option --tmpdirgetopts options
Predefined option --usagegetopts options
Predefined option --validate-programsgetopts options
Predefined option --verbosegetopts options
Predefined option --verbose-programgetopts options
Predefined option --versiongetopts options
Predefined option --version-onlygetopts options
Predefined option -fgetopts options
Predefined option -hgetopts options
Predefined option -Hgetopts options
Predefined option -igetopts options
Predefined option -vgetopts options
Preprocessor option --add-bashpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --bash-programpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --check-versionpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --definepreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --evalpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --includepreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --libmbflpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --librarypreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --no-prepropreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --outputpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --preserve-commentspreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libdirpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libmbflpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libmbfl-archpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libmbfl-atpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libmbfl-containerspreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libmbfl-gitpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libmbfl-linkerpreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libmbfl-passwordspreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libmbfl-testspreprocessor invoking
Preprocessor option --print-libmbfl-utilspreprocessor invoking
Program command line options, parsinggetopts
Program-execution functions, definitionprogram executing defining
Proxy variable, definitionpreprocessor nameref intro

Reading and writing filesfile read and write
readlink, commandfile listing
readlink, external commandprogram preselected
realpath, commandfile realpath
realpath, external commandprogram preselected
Removing filesfile removing
rm, commandfile removing
rm, external commandprogram preselected
rmdir, commandfile removing
rmdir, external commandprogram preselected

SEMVER_PARSER parametersemver classes parser
SEMVER_SPEC parametersemver classes spec
Shell built–in option lastpipelocations handlers
Shell built–in option nullgloblocations handlers
Size of filesfile listing
sleep, external commandprogram preselected
sort, external commandprogram preselected
stat, external commandprogram preselected
STK parametercontainers stacks
sudo, external commandprogram preselected
Symbolic links between filesfile symlink

tar archiveslibmbfl-arch tar
tar, commandlibmbfl-arch tar

updatedb, external commandprogram preselected
Utilities, the library libmbfl-linker.bashlinker
Utilities, the library libmbfl-utils.bashlibmbfl-utils

Version control with gitgit

whoami, external commandprogram preselected
Writing and reading filesfile read and write

xargs, external commandprogram preselected

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.