22.4 Preselected program pathnames

MBFL uses some external programs for its inner workings, especially from the GNU Coreutils and GNU Findutils packages; the file system pathnames of these programs is selected at package–configuration time and hard–coded in library’s source code.

We may want to use these program pathnames, either directly or as argument to other programs, for example find, as in:

find -type f -exec "$mbfl_PROGRAM_CHOWN" marco:users '{}' ';'

The following global variables are available to access those file system pathnames.

Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_BASH

The preselected file system pathname of the program bash; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_BASH=/path/to/bash
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_M4

The preselected file system pathname of the program m4; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_M4=/path/to/m4
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_SUDO

The preselected file system pathname of the program sudo; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_SUDO=/path/to/sudo

The following are the GNU Coreutils.

Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_CHGRP

The preselected file system pathname of the program chgrp; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_CHGRP=/path/to/chgrp
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_CHMOD

The preselected file system pathname of the program chmod; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_CHMOD=/path/to/chmod
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_CHOWN

The preselected file system pathname of the program chown; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_CHOWN=/path/to/chown
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_CP

The preselected file system pathname of the program cp; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_CP=/path/to/cp
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_DATE

The preselected file system pathname of the program date; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_DATE=/path/to/date
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_GAWK

The preselected file system pathname of the program gawk; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_GAWK=/path/to/gawk
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_ID

The preselected file system pathname of the program id; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_ID=/path/to/id
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_INSTALL

The preselected file system pathname of the program install; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_INSTALL=/path/to/install
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_LN

The preselected file system pathname of the program ln; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_LN=/path/to/ln
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_LS

The preselected file system pathname of the program ls; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_LS=/path/to/ls
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_MKDIR

The preselected file system pathname of the program mkdir; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_MKDIR=/path/to/mkdir
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_MKFIFO

The preselected file system pathname of the program mkfifo; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_MKFIFO=/path/to/mkfifo
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_MV

The preselected file system pathname of the program mv; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_MV=/path/to/mv

The preselected file system pathname of the program readlink; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_READLINK=/path/to/readlink

The preselected file system pathname of the program realpath; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_REALPATH=/path/to/realpath
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_RMDIR

The preselected file system pathname of the program rmdir; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_RMDIR=/path/to/rmdir
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_RM

The preselected file system pathname of the program rm; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_RM=/path/to/rm
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_SLEEP

The preselected file system pathname of the program sleep; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_SLEEP=/path/to/sleep
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_SORT

The preselected file system pathname of the program sort; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_SORT=/path/to/sort
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_STAT

The preselected file system pathname of the program stat; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_STAT=/path/to/stat
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_WHOAMI

The preselected file system pathname of the program whoami; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_WHOAMI=/path/to/whoami

The following are the GNU Findutils.

Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_FIND

The preselected file system pathname of the program find; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_FIND=/path/to/find
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_LOCATE

The preselected file system pathname of the program locate; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_LOCATE=/path/to/locate

The preselected file system pathname of the program updatedb; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_UPDATEDB=/path/to/updatedb
Variable: mbfl_PROGRAM_XARGS

The preselected file system pathname of the program xargs; it is selected by the configure script and customisable by setting a variable on its command line:

configure MBFL_PROGRAM_XARGS=/path/to/xargs

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.