2.7.3 Full NAMEREF declarations

The following macros declare local and global variables we can use with the NAMEREF mechanism. All the variables declared with the macros below can be unset using mbfl_unset_varref(); for details Unsetting NAMEREF declarations. When defining array variables we can use specific macros, rather than the ones below; Declaring arrays as variable references.

Preprocessor Macro: mbfl_declare_varref (NAME, INIT_VALUE, DECLARE_OPTIONS)

A use of this macro expands into:

declare mbfl_a_variable_NAME
mbfl_variable_alloc mbfl_a_variable_NAME
declare DECLARE_OPTIONS $mbfl_a_variable_NAME
declare -n NAME=$mbfl_a_variable_NAME

When INIT_VALUE is empty, it finishes with:


which defines the variable and causes test -v VARNAME to return true; defining the variable this way works with scalar variables, but defines an array variables as containing an element with key ‘0’, which is probably not what we want.

When INIT_VALUE is not empty, it finishes with:


A name variable mbfl_a_variable_NAME is declared and filled with a unique data variable name by mbfl_variable_alloc(); then the data variable is declared; finally a proxy variable NAME is defined as alias for the data variable. If the macro is used at top–level: the variables are global.

We can use the argument DECLARE_OPTIONS to declare a global data variable:

mbfl_declare_varref(VARNAME, INIT_VALUE, -g)
Preprocessor Macro: mbfl_declare_global_varref (NAME, INIT_VALUE, OPTIONS)

Like mbfl_declare_varref() but always include the option -g. Its expansion is:

mbfl_declare_global_varref(NAME, INIT_VALUE, OPTIONS)
→ mbfl_declare_varref(NAME, INIT_VALUE, -g OPTIONS)

With these macros it is not possible to declare a read–only array; the macro use:

mbfl_declare_varref(ARRY, ([a]=1), -rA)

expands into:

declare mbfl_a_variable_ARRY
mbfl_variable_alloc mbfl_a_variable_ARRY
declare -rA $mbfl_a_variable_ARRY
declare -n ARRY=$mbfl_a_variable_ARRY

so when the array is initialised it has already been declared as read–only: an error results. It is not possible to modify this macro to allow such declaration, because, while this syntax works:

declare -rA ARRY=([a]=1)

the following is invalid according to Bash:

declare -rA $mbfl_a_variable_ARRY=([a]=1)
Preprocessor Macro: mbfl_declare_nameref (NAME, DATA_VARNAME_EXPR)

A use of this macro expands into:

declare    mbfl_a_variable_NAME=DATA_VARNAME_EXPR
declare -n NAME=$mbfl_a_variable_NAME

Declare a proxy variable NAME aliasing the data variable whose value is the result of evaluating DATA_VARNAME_EXPR.

NOTE We cannot declare mbfl_a_variable_NAME as read–only because the we cannot unset it.

We can use this macro as follows:

function main () {
    declare VARNAME
    worker VARNAME
    mbfl_declare_nameref(VAR, $VARNAME)

function worker () {
    mbfl_mandatory_nameref_parameter(RV, 1)
    mbfl_declare_varref(VAR, 123, -g)


This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.