B.1.3 Installing and normalising files

It happens that a script must install files and directories, or normalise the attributes of already existent files and directories; the API described in this section serves this purpose.

Function: mbflutils_file_install_file ARRYNAME OPT
Function: mbflutils_file_install_directory ARRYNAME OPT

Install a new file or directory according to the specification in the symbolic array variable whose name is ARRYNAME; the array must have been previously declared with mbflutils_file_init_file_struct() or mbflutils_file_init_directory_struct().

When successful return by calling return_success(), otherwise return by calling return_failure().

If verbose execution is enabled: appropriate verbose messages are displayed on stderr describing the operation. If an error occurs: an appropriate error message is displayed on stderr describing the cause of the error.

The installation is performed using the external program install from the package GNU Coreutils, See install copy files and set attributes. install is a preselected program, Preselected program pathnames. The optional arguments OPT are placed on the command line of install in option position.

Function: mbflutils_file_normalise_file ARRYNAME
Function: mbflutils_file_normalise_directory ARRYNAME

Change the attributes of an existent file or directory according to the specification in the symbolic array variable whose name is ARRYNAME; the array must have been previously declared with mbflutils_file_init_file_struct() or mbflutils_file_init_directory_struct().

When successful return by calling return_success(), otherwise return by calling return_failure().

If verbose execution is enabled: appropriate verbose messages are displayed on stderr describing the operation. If an error occurs: an appropriate error message is displayed on stderr describing the cause of the error.

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.