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A.6.3 Reading host informations from file

For each SMTP server we need the following informations: the hostname, the port number, the session type, the authorisation method. There are two ways to specify these:

If --host is not used: the hostname defaults to localhost. If the selection of port, session type or authorisation type is left unspecified: The script automatically looks into the default hostinfo file. Informations from command line options supersede informations from the hostinfo file.

The default pathname for the hostinfo file is $HOME/.mbfl-hostinfo and can be overridden by the --host-info option. The format of this file is line oriented: Blank lines are ignored, lines starting with a # character are comments, lines starting with machine are host records.

Each record line must have the format:

machine <host> service <name> port <number> session <type> auth <type>

for example:

# ~/.mbfl-hostinfo --

# SMTP servers
machine localhost service smtp port 25 session plain auth none
machine service smtp port 465 session tls auth login
machine service smtp port 587 session starttls auth plain

# POP3 servers
machine service pop3 port 110 session plain auth userpass
machine service pop3 port 995 session tls auth userpass
machine service pop3 port 995  session tls auth userpass

### end of file

so that we can extract a record with the following script:


rex='^[ \t]*'
rex+='machine[ \t]\+.*%s.*[ \t]\+'
rex+='service[ \t]\+%s[ \t]\+'
rex+='port[ \t]\+[0-9]\+[ \t]\+'
rex+='session[ \t]\+\(plain\|tls\|starttls\)[ \t]\+'
rex+='auth[ \t]\+\(none\|plain\|login\)'
rex+='[ \t]*$'
rex=$(printf "$rex" $host $service)

set -- $(grep "$rex" "$file")
echo machine $2
echo service $4
echo port    $6
echo session $8
shift 9
echo auth    $1

currently parses the file using the =~ regular expressions operator.

Notice that when using the hostinfo file, the value of the --host option can be a substring of the host name.

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This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.0 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.