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6.21 Additional boolean functions

The following bindings are exported by the library (vicare).


Function: true? obj
Function: false? obj

Return #t if obj is, respectively, #t or #f; otherwise return #f. It is not an error if obj is not a boolean value.

Function: list-of-booleans? obj

Return #t if obj is null or a proper list of booleans; otherwise return #f.


Function: boolean!=? bool0 bool

The arguments must be booleans. Return #t if the arguments are all different: no two arguments are equal; otherwise return #f. When applied to a single argument: return #f.

Procedure: boolean<? bool0
Procedure: boolean>? bool0
Procedure: boolean<=? bool0
Procedure: boolean>=? bool0

Compare the boolean arguments according to the artificial comparison definition:

#t == #t
#f == #f
#f <  #t
Function: boolean-min bool0 bool
Function: boolean-max bool0 bool

Return the minimal or maximal boolean among the arguments.