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1.18.8 Standardised restart functions

Function: use-value obj
Function: use-value obj cnd

If a restart named use-value is installed in the dynamic environment: apply its handler to obj; otherwise return #f (without performing a non–local exit).

If the optional argument cnd is a condition object: select the innermost matching restart that is not associated with such condition object. If cnd is missing or #f: just select the innermost installed restart.

Function: store-value obj
Function: store-value obj cnd

If a restart named store-value is installed in the dynamic environment: apply its handler to obj; otherwise return #f (without performing a non–local exit).

If the optional argument cnd is a condition object: select the innermost matching restart that is not associated with such condition object. If cnd is missing or #f: just select the innermost installed restart.

Function: continue-restart
Function: continue-restart cnd

If a restart named continue is installed in the dynamic environment: call its handler with no arguments; otherwise return #f (without performing a non–local exit).

If the optional argument cnd is a condition object: select the innermost matching restart that is not associated with such condition object. If cnd is missing or #f: just select the innermost installed restart.

NOTE Under Common Lisp: this is simply called continue; under Vicare continue is already bound.

Function: abort-restart
Function: abort-restart cnd

If a restart named abort is installed in the dynamic environment: call its handler with no arguments; otherwise return #f (without performing a non–local exit).

If the optional argument cnd is a condition object: select the innermost matching restart that is not associated with such condition object. If cnd is missing or #f: just select the innermost installed restart.

NOTE Under Common Lisp: this is simply called abort; this is quite a common action, so it is left unbound.

Usage examples on restart functions:

(import (vicare)
  (only (vicare checks)

;;; use-value

;;Signal condition, call a handler, call a USE-VALUE restart.
      ((&error (lambda (E)
                 (add-result 'error-handler-begin)
                 (use-value "ciao")
                 (add-result 'error-handler-return))))
          (add-result 'body-begin)
          (signal (make-error))
          (add-result 'body-return))
      (use-value (lambda (value)
                   (add-result 'restart-use-value)
⇒ ("ciao"
      (body-begin error-handler-begin restart-use-value))

;;Call a USE-VALUE restart, no USE-VALUE handler is defined.
  (add-result 'body-begin)
      (use-value 1)
    (add-result 'body-return)))
⇒ (#f (body-begin body-return))

;;; store-value

;;Signal condition, call a handler, call a STORE-VALUE restart.
      ((&error (lambda (E)
                 (add-result 'error-handler-begin)
                 (store-value "ciao")
                 (add-result 'error-handler-return))))
          (add-result 'body-begin)
          (signal (make-error))
          (add-result 'body-return))
      (store-value (lambda (value)
                     (add-result 'restart-store-value)
⇒ ("ciao"
      (body-begin error-handler-begin restart-store-value))

;;Call a STORE-VALUE restart, no STORE-VALUE handler is defined.
  (add-result 'body-begin)
      (store-value 1)
    (add-result 'body-return)))
⇒ (#f (body-begin body-return))

;;; store-value/use-value

;;Adapted example from Common Lisp's Hyper Spec.

  (define-condition-type &unbound-symbol-error

  (define* (careful-symbol-value sym)
        (if (symbol-bound? sym)
            (symbol-value sym)
          (signal (make-unbound-symbol-error)))
      (use-value   (lambda (obj) obj))
      (store-value (lambda (obj)
                     (set-symbol-value! sym obj)

  (let ((sym (gensym)))
    (set-symbol-value! sym 1)
    (careful-symbol-value sym))
  ⇒ 1

  (let ((sym (gensym)))
        ((&unbound-symbol-error (lambda (E)
                                  (use-value 1))))
      (careful-symbol-value sym)))
  ⇒ 1

  (let ((sym (gensym)))
        ((&unbound-symbol-error (lambda (E)
                                  (store-value 1))))
      (values (careful-symbol-value sym)
              (careful-symbol-value sym))))
  ⇒ 1 1

  #| end of INTERNAL-BODY |# )

;;; continue

;;Signal condition, call a handler, call a CONTINUE restart.
      ((&error (lambda (E)
                 (add-result 'error-handler-begin)
                 (add-result 'error-handler-return))))
          (add-result 'body-begin)
          (signal (make-error))
          (add-result 'body-return))
      (continue (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'restart-continue)
⇒ (2 (body-begin error-handler-begin restart-continue))

;;CONTINUE example derived from Common Lisp's Hyper Spec.

  (define (real-sqrt n)
    (when (negative? n)
      (set! n (- n))
          (signal (make-error))
        (continue (lambda ()
                    (add-result 'continue-restart)))))
    (sqrt n))

        ((&error (lambda (E)
                   (add-result 'error-handler)
      (add-result 'body-enter)
          (real-sqrt -9)
        (add-result 'body-return)))))
⇒ (3
      (body-enter error-handler continue-restart body-return))

;;Call a CONTINUE restart, no CONTINUE handler is defined.
              (add-result 'body-begin)
                (add-result 'body-return))))
      (catch E
         (add-result 'catch-control-error)
         (print-condition E)
⇒ (#f (body-begin body-return))

;;Signal condition, call  the inner handler, call an CONTINUE  restart, no CONTINUE
;;handler is defined, call the outer handler, return.
        ((&error (lambda (E)
                     (add-result 'outer-error-handler))))
            ((&error (lambda (E)
                       (add-result 'inner-error-handler-begin)
                       (add-result 'inner-error-handler-return))))
          (add-result 'body-begin)
          (signal (make-error))
          (add-result 'body-return)
⇒ (1

;;; abort

;;Signal condition, call a handler, call an ABORT restart.
      ((&error (lambda (E)
                 (add-result 'error-handler-begin)
                 (add-result 'error-handler-return))))
          (add-result 'body-begin)
          (signal (make-error))
          (add-result 'body-return))
      (abort (lambda ()
               (add-result 'restart-abort)
⇒ (2 (body-begin error-handler-begin restart-abort))

;;Call an ABORT restart, no ABORT handler is defined.
        (add-result 'body-begin)
        (add-result 'body-return))
    (catch E
       (add-result 'catch-control-error)
      (else E))))
⇒ (2 (body-begin catch-control-error))

;;Signal condition, call a handler, call an ABORT restart,
;;no ABORT handler is defined.
          ((&error (lambda (E)
                     (add-result 'error-handler-begin)
                     (add-result 'error-handler-return))))
        (add-result 'body-begin)
        (signal (make-error))
        (add-result 'body-return))
    (catch E
       (add-result 'catch-control-error)
      (else E))))
⇒ (2 (body-begin error-handler-begin catch-control-error))

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