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1.18.9 Detecting errors in the conditions and restarts mechanism

Base condition type

Condition Type: &restarts-error

Base type of all the error conditions associated to the restarts mechanism.

Function: make-restarts-error

Build and return a condition object of type &restarts-error.

Function: restarts-error-condition? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &restarts-error; otherwise return #f.

Control error condition type

Condition Type: &restarts-control-error

Type of error conditions associated to the restarts mechanism. It is derived from &restarts-error.

Function: make-restarts-control-error

Build and return a condition object of type &restarts-control-error.

Function: restarts-control-error? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &restarts-control-error; otherwise return #f.

Function: signal-restarts-control-error who message irritant

Build a compound condition object with components: &restarts-control-error, &who &message &irritants and raise it using signal.

Undefined restart error condition type

Condition Type: &undefined-restart-error

Type of the error conditions raise when attempting to invoke an undefined restart. It is derived from &restarts-control-error.

Function: make-undefined-restart-error

Build and return a condition object of type &undefined-restart-error.

Function: undefined-restart-error? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &undefined-restart-error; otherwise return #f.

Function: signal-undefined-restart-error who message irritant

Build a compound condition object with components: &undefined-restart-error, &who &message &irritants and raise it using signal.