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4.31.2 Logging programming interface

The following bindings are exported by the library (vicare posix log-files).

Function: open-logging

If logging is enabled: configure the log port; return unspecified values. If the selected pathname is - assume the log messages must go to the current error port. Otherwise open a log file.

This function makes use of the following parameters:


If set to true consider logging enabled, else do nothing and return.


Used to retrieve the configured log file pathname.


Used to store the Scheme textual output port to which log messages are sent.

Function: close-logging

Close the current log port unless it is the console error port or the configured log file pathname is a single dash; return unspecified values.

This function makes use of the following parameters:


Used to retrieve the configured log file pathname and check if it is a single dash.


Used to retrieve current log port.

Notice that the logging-enabled? parameter is ignored.

Function: setup-compensated-log-file-creation

Call open-logging and push a call to close-logging on the current compensations stack.

Function: log template arg

If logging is enabled: format a log message and write it to the current log port; return unspecified values.

template must be a format–like string expecting as many values as there are arg arguments. It is usual, but not mandatory, to output log messages as single lines.

A log message is composed as follows:

  1. The current prefix referenced by the parameter log-prefix.
  2. A date string, almost in ISO 8601 format.
  3. A colon character followed by a space character.
  4. The result of formatting template with the given arg arguments.
  5. A newline character.
Function: log-condition-message template condition

If logging is enabled: format a log message extracting the message from the condition object condition; return unspecified values. The template is expected to contain a ~a sequence to be replaced by the condition message.

Syntax: with-logging-handler (condition-message ?template) ?body0 ?body
Auxiliary Syntax: condition-message

Evaluate the ?body forms; in case of exception: log a message with log-condition-message and raise it again.

condition-message must be the identifier exported by the library (rnrs rnrs (6)). ?template must be an expression evaluating to a string template suitable to be used as first argument to log-condition-message.

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