Scope management

To keep a code base in good order, new class declarations should be at the top–level scope:


mbfl_default_class_define _(MY_PERSON) _(mbfl_default_object) 'my_person' name surname

no matter where we declare them: new functions will be defined as constructor, predicate, field accessors and mutators, and those are at the top–level. We can declare a class at the top–level and define it in a function; MBFL itself puts some class definitions and instances definitions in an initialisation function:


function my_initialise_this_module () {
  mbfl_default_class_define _(MY_PERSON) _(mbfl_default_object) 'my_person' name surname

To be used without conflicts: both global class’s proxy variables and class identifiers must be unique in the whole script.

Non–class instances can be declared and defined both at the top–level scope or in a function scope. Usually we declare and define an instance in the scope of a function:

function do_something () {

  my_person_define _(MAINTAINER) _(MY_PERSON) 'Marco' 'Maggi'
  # do something with _(MAINTAINER)

we can declare and define an instance at the top–level scope:


my_person_define _(MY_MAINTAINER) _(MY_PERSON) 'Marco' 'Maggi'

function do_something () {
  # do something with _(MY_MAINTAINER)

and we can declare at the top–level and define all from within a function:

function do_something () }

  build_it_var _(MAINTAINER)
  # do something with _(MAINTAINER)
function built_it_var () {
  mbfl_mandatory_nameref_parameter(RV, 1, result variable)

  my_person_define _(MAINTAINER) _(MY_PERSON) 'Marco' 'Maggi'
  # do something with _(MAINTAINER)

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.