11.2.4 The default class metaclass

We define a new default class by instantiating mbfl_default_class; this implies that the new class is a subclass of mbfl_default_object. Instances of mbfl_default_class (not of its subclasses) are built using the constructor mbfl_default_class_define(); Overview of default classes for details and examples.

We define a new default metaclass by subclassing and instantiating mbfl_default_class. We also must define an instance constructor function that actually builds new metaclasses in place of mbfl_default_class_define().

Metaclass: mbfl_default_class
Proxy Variable: mbfl_default_class
Superclass: mbfl_default_object
Metaclass: mbfl_default_class

The default metaclass and the superclass of all the default metaclasses.

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.