Accessors on instances of mbfl_default_abstract_class

The following accessors work like the ones for instances of mbfl_default_class; Accessors on instances of mbfl_default_class for details.

Function: mbfl_default_abstract_class_parent_var PARENT_RV DEFCLS

Store in the result variable PARENT_RV the data variable of the parent of DEFCLS.

Function: mbfl_default_abstract_class_name_var NAME_RV DEFCLS

Store in the result variable NAME_RV the string representing the name of DEFCLS.

Function: mbfl_default_abstract_class_fields_number_var FIELDS_NUMBER_RV DEFCLS

Store in the result variable FIELDS_NUMBER_RV the number of fields in instances of DEFCLS.

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.