G.3.2 Array constructors

For the semantics of the parameter ARRY see Conventions of the arrays API.

Function: mbfl_array_tabulate ARRY NUM_OF_SLOTS
Function: mbfl_array_tabulate ARRY NUM_OF_SLOTS INITIALISER

Given the already declared index array ARRY, fill the slots from index ‘0’ included to index NUM_OF_SLOTS excluded.

When the parameter INITIALISER is not given: each slot’s value is its index itself.


mbfl_array_tabulate _(ARRY) 5
mbfl_slots_qvalues(ARRY)        ⇒ 0 1 2 3 4

When the parameter INITIALISER is given: each slot’s value is generated with the command line:


where: IDX is the index of the slot to fill; RV is the result variable to be set to the new slot’s value. If INITIALISER returns false: the function returns immediately with return status equal to the return status of INITIALISER.

function initialiser () {
    mbfl_mandatory_nameref_parameter(RV, 1, result variable)
    mbfl_mandatory_parameter(IDX,        2, slot index)

    let RV=100*IDX


mbfl_array_tabulate _(ARRY) 5 initialiser
mbfl_slots_qvalues(ARRY)        ⇒ 0 100 200 300 400
Function: mbfl_array_iota ARRY NUM_OF_SLOTS
Function: mbfl_array_iota ARRY NUM_OF_SLOTS START STEP

Given the already declared index array ARRY, fill the slots from index ‘0’ included to index NUM_OF_SLOTS excluded. The slots’ values are computed with an equivalent of:

mbfl_math_expr "$START+$STEP*$IDX"

where the optional parameters START and STEP default to ‘0’ and ‘1’.


mbfl_array_iota _(ARRY) 5
mbfl_slots_qvalues(ARRY)        ⇒ 0 1 2 3 4

mbfl_array_iota _(ARRY) 5 10 5
mbfl_slots_qvalues(ARRY)        ⇒ 10 15 20 25 30

mbfl_array_iota _(ARRY) 5 1.0 0.1
mbfl_slots_qvalues(ARRY)        ⇒ 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.