G.3.15 Appending values to arrays

For the semantics of the parameter ARRY see Conventions of the arrays API. For the semantics of the parameter ARRYS see Conventions of the arrays API.

Function: mbfl_array_append DST_ARRY SRC_ARRY

Append the values from SRC_ARRY to DST_ARRY.

mbfl_declare_index_array_varref(DST_ARRY, (a b c d e))
mbfl_declare_index_array_varref(SRC_ARRY, (A B C D E))

mbfl_array_append _(DST_ARRY) _(SRC_ARRY)
mbfl_slots_qvalues(DST_ARRY)    ⇒ a b c d e A B C D E
Function: mbfl_multi_array_append DST_ARRY SRC_ARRYS

Append the values from SRC_ARRYS to DST_ARRY. The indexed arrays in SRC_ARRYS can be of any size.

mbfl_declare_index_array_varref(DST_ARRY,  (a b c d e))
mbfl_declare_index_array_varref(SRC_ARRY1, (A B C))
mbfl_declare_index_array_varref(SRC_ARRY2, (D E))
mbfl_declare_index_array_varref(SRC_ARRY3, (F G H I))
mbfl_declare_index_array_varref(SRC_ARRYS, (_(SRC_ARRY1) _(SRC_ARRY2) _(SRC_ARRY3)))

mbfl_multi_array_append _(DST_ARRY) _(SRC_ARRYS)
mbfl_slots_qvalues(DST_ARRY)    ⇒ a b c d e A B C D E F G H I

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.