Attribute object of mbfl_uncaught_exceptional_condition

Class Attribute of mbfl_uncaught_exceptional_condition_t: object

Data variable of an exceptional–condition object that was raised but not handled by any exception–handler.

Accessor on mbfl_uncaught_exceptional_condition_t: mbfl_uncaught_exceptional_condition_object_set CND OBJ
Mutator on mbfl_uncaught_exceptional_condition_t: mbfl_uncaught_exceptional_condition_object_var OBJ_RV CND

Attribute accessor and mutator.

Let’s say CND is a variable holding the data variable of a mbfl_uncaught_exceptional_condition instance; to access the original exceptional–condition object we do:


mbfl_uncaught_exceptional_condition_object_var _(ORIGINAL_CND_DATAVAR) _(CND)

mbfl_exceptional_condition_print _(ORIGINAL_CND)

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.