12.12.2 Class constructors of mbfl_invalid_function_parameter_condition

Constructor on mbfl_invalid_function_parameter_condition_t: mbfl_invalid_function_parameter_condition_make CND FUNCNAME ERROR_DESCRIPTION PARAMETER_NUMBER PARAMETER_NAME PARAMETER_VALUE

Build a new class instance. Exceptional–condition objects built with this constructor are non–continuable.

The parameter FUNCNAME must be the name of the function; it is usually the value of the Bash variable FUNCNAME.

The parameter ERROR_DESCRIPTION must be a string describing why the parameter is invalid; it should be something like expected value of type ... got ....

The parameter PARAMETER_NUMBER must be the 1–based parameter’s number.

The parameter PARAMETER_NAME must be the parameter’s identifier.

The parameter PARAMETER_VALUE must be the invalid parameter’s value; it can be the empty string.

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.