All the exceptional–condition objects must be subclasses of mbfl_exceptional_condition
We can subclass it as follows:
mbfl_default_class_declare(my_something_happened_t) mbfl_default_class_define _(my_something_happened_t) \ _(mbfl_exceptional_condition_t) 'my_something_happened' function my_something_happened_make () { mbfl_mandatory_nameref_parameter(CND, 1, exceptional-condition object) mbfl_mandatory_parameter(WHO, 2, entity reporting the exceptional-condition) mbfl_mandatory_parameter(MESSAGE, 3, exceptional-condition description message) declare CONTINUABLE='true' my_something_happened_define _(CND) "$WHO" "$MESSAGE" "$CONTINUABLE" }
and we can use the subclass as follows:
mbfl_default_object_declare(CND) my_something_happened_make _(CND) 'someone' 'something happened' mbfl_exception_raise _(CND)
• conditions base class: | Class definition of mbfl_exceptional_condition .
| |
• conditions base attributes: | Attributes of mbfl_exceptional_condition .
| |
• conditions base methods: | Class methods of mbfl_exceptional_condition .
This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.