Attribute who of mbfl_exceptional_condition

Given a subclass of mbfl_exceptional_condition we can use this attribute as follows:


mbfl_runtime_error_condition_make _(CND) 'someone' 'bad thing'
mbfl_exceptional_condition_who_var _(WHO) _(CND)
"$WHO"  ⇒ someone
Class Attribute of mbfl_exceptional_condition_t: who

A non–empty string describing the entity that raised the exceptional–condition.

Accessor on mbfl_exceptional_condition_t: mbfl_exceptional_condition_who_set CND WHO
Mutator on mbfl_exceptional_condition_t: mbfl_exceptional_condition_who_var WHO_RV CND

Class attribute accessor and mutator.

This document describes version 3.0.0-devel.9 of Marcos Bash Functions Library.