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6.24 Type of enumeration sets

Core Type: <enum-set>
Parent Type: <struct>

Type of enumeration sets as defined by R6RS.

Type constructor on <enum-set>: <enum-set> type-constructor symbol-list

The constructor is make-enumeration.

Type predicate on <enum-set>: <boolean> type-predicate obj

The type predicate is enum-set?.

Equality predicate on <enum-set>: <boolean> equality-predicate this {es <enum-set>}

The equality predicate is enum-set=?.

Hash function on <enum-set>: <non-negative-fixnum> hash-function this

The hash function is enum-set-hash.

Auxiliary types

Core Type: <enum-set-indexer>

A type annotation with the following definition:

(lambda (<symbol>) => ((or <false> <non-negative-fixnum>)))
Core Type: <enum-set-constructor>

A type annotation with the following definition:

(lambda ((list-of <symbol>)) => (<enum-set>))

Methods: constructors

Method on <enum-set>: <enum-set> universe this

Apply enum-set-universe to the arguments and return its return value.

Method on <enum-set>: <enum-set-indexer> indexer this

Apply enum-set-indexer to the arguments and return its return value.

Method on <enum-set>: <enum-set-constructor> constructor this

Apply enum-set-constructor to the arguments and return its return value.

Method on <enum-set>: (list-of <symbol>) list this

Apply enum-set->list to the arguments and return its return value.

Methods: comparison

Notice that <symbol> has a method member? that applies enum-set-member? to its arguments.

Method on <enum-set>: <boolean> subset? this {es <enum-set>}

Apply enum-set-subset? to the arguments and return its return value.

Method on <enum-set>: <boolean> = this {es <enum-set>}

Apply enum-set=? to the arguments and return its return value.

Methods: set operations

Method on <enum-set>: <enum-set> union this {es <enum-set>}

Apply enum-set-union to the arguments and return its return value.

Method on <enum-set>: <enum-set> intersection this {es <enum-set>}

Apply enum-set-intersection to the arguments and return its return value.

Method on <enum-set>: <enum-set> difference this {es <enum-set>}

Apply enum-set-difference to the arguments and return its return value.

Method on <enum-set>: <enum-set> complement this

Apply enum-set-complement to the arguments and return its return value.

Method on <enum-set>: <enum-set> projection this {es <enum-set>}

Apply enum-set-projection to the arguments and return its return value.

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