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12.24.2 Unsafe code objects operations

In the following definitions: the code arguments must be code objects. The following bindings are exported by the library (vicare system $codes).

Primitive Operation: $code-freevars code

Return a fixnum representing the number of free variables referenced by code.

Primitive Operation: $code-reloc-vector code

Return the relocation vector of code. The relocation vector is a Scheme vector, objects codes reloc.

Primitive Operation: $code-size code

Return a fixnum representing the number of bytes used in the data area of code.

Primitive Operation: $code-annotation code

Return an object used as annotation for code. The default value for the annotation is #f.

Primitive Operation: $code->closure code

Return a closure object wrapping code.

Primitive Operation: $code-ref code index

Return the byte at index in the data area of code.

Primitive Operation: $code-set! code index octet

Store octet at index in the data area of code. Both index and octet must be fixnums; octet must be in the range [0, 255].

Primitive Operation: $set-code-annotation code obj

Store obj in the annotation field of code.