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H.1 Shared memory through mmap

This appendix shows some sample code describing how to exchange binary and Scheme data among multiple Vicare processes through shared memory. It is assumed that Vicare is installed with the POSIX interface enabled.

The first example just exchanges a signed integer:

(import (vicare)
  (prefix (vicare posix) px.)
  (vicare platform constants)
  (vicare language-extensions syntaxes))

(let* ((shmem.len (px.sysconf _SC_PAGESIZE))
       (shmem.ptr (px.mmap #f shmem.len
                     (fxior PROT_READ PROT_WRITE)
                     (fxior MAP_SHARED MAP_ANONYMOUS)
                     0 0)))

        ;; Parent: write a signed int, wait for the
        ;; child to exit, read the incremented int.
        (lambda (child-pid)
          (pointer-set-c-signed-int! shmem.ptr 0 234)
          (px.waitpid child-pid 0)
          (pointer-ref-c-signed-int shmem.ptr 0))

        ;; Child: wait for a while, then read a signed
        ;; int and write it back incremented by 1000;
        ;; finally exit.
        (lambda ()
          (px.nanosleep 1 0)
          (pointer-set-c-signed-int! shmem.ptr 0
            (+ 1000 (pointer-ref-c-signed-int shmem.ptr 0)))

    (px.munmap shmem.ptr shmem.len)))
⇒ 1234

The second example exchanges a bytevector of known length:

(import (vicare)
  (prefix (vicare posix) px.)
  (vicare platform constants)
  (vicare language-extensions syntaxes))

(let* ((shmem.len (px.sysconf _SC_PAGESIZE))
       (shmem.ptr (px.mmap #f shmem.len
                           (fxior PROT_READ PROT_WRITE)
                           (fxior MAP_SHARED MAP_ANONYMOUS)
                           0 0)))

        ;; Parent: write the bytevector, wait for the
        ;; child to exit, read back the bytevector.
        (lambda (child-pid)
          (memory-copy shmem.ptr 0
            '#vu8(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) 0 10)
          (px.waitpid child-pid 0)
          (let ((bv (make-bytevector 10)))
            (memory-copy bv 0 shmem.ptr 0 10)

        ;; Child: wait for a while, read the bytevector,
        ;; increment the bytes, write the bytevector,
        ;; finally exit.
        (lambda ()
          (px.nanosleep 1 0)
          (let ((bv (make-bytevector 10)))
            (memory-copy bv 0 shmem.ptr 0 10)
            (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i)))
                ((= i 10)
                 (memory-copy shmem.ptr 0 bv 0 10)
              (bytevector-u8-set! bv i
                (+ 100 (bytevector-u8-ref bv i)))))))

    (px.munmap shmem.ptr shmem.len)))
⇒ #vu8(100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109)

The third example shares a Scheme datum of length unknown by using fasl-write and fasl-read; the number of bytes is exchanged in the first location of shared memory, we assume that 16 pages of memory are enough:

(import (vicare)
  (prefix (vicare posix) px.)
  (vicare platform constants)
  (vicare language-extensions syntaxes))

(define data
  '(1 2 #(3 4) ciao "hello" #vu8(99 98 97)))

(let* ((shmem.len (* 16 (px.sysconf _SC_PAGESIZE)))
       (shmem.ptr (px.mmap #f shmem.len
                     (fxior PROT_READ PROT_WRITE)
                     (fxior MAP_SHARED MAP_ANONYMOUS)
                     0 0)))

         ;; Parent: wait for the child process, read the data
         ;; length, allocate a bytevector, read data.
         (lambda (child-pid)
           (px.waitpid child-pid 0)
           (let* ((bv.len (pointer-ref-c-signed-int shmem.ptr 0))
                  (bv     (make-bytevector bv.len)))
             (memory-copy bv 0 shmem.ptr SIZEOF_INT bv.len)
             (fasl-read (open-bytevector-input-port bv))))

         ;; Child: convert Scheme data into a fasl bytevector,
         ;; write data length, write data, finally exit.
         (lambda ()
           (let-values (((port getter)
             (fasl-write data port)
             (let* ((bv     (getter))
                    (bv.len (bytevector-length bv)))
               (pointer-set-c-signed-int! shmem.ptr 0 bv.len)
               (memory-copy shmem.ptr SIZEOF_INT bv 0 bv.len)

    (px.munmap shmem.ptr shmem.len))))
⇒ (1 2 #(3 4) ciao "hello" #vu8(99 98 97))

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