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The unwind protection mechanism may misbehave in some cases. Specifically the unwind handler may not be called in the following cases:
In the following example an exception is raised by an exception handler: the unwind handler is called, but the original exception is lost.
(import (vicare) (only (vicare checks) with-result add-result)) (with-result (guard (E (else (add-result 'guard-else) E)) (with-exception-handler (lambda (E) (add-result 'exception-handler) (raise 2)) (lambda () (with-unwind-protection (lambda (why) (add-result 'unwind-handler)) (lambda () (dynamic-wind (lambda () (add-result 'in-guard)) (lambda () (add-result 'thunk-in) (raise 1) (add-result 'thunk-out)) (lambda () (add-result 'out-guard))))))))) ⇒ (2 (in-guard thunk-in exception-handler out-guard in-guard out-guard unwind-handler guard-else))
’s testIn the following example an exception is raised from a guard
test expression: the unwind handler is not called and the
original exception is lost.
(import (vicare) (only (vicare checks) with-result add-result)) (with-result (guard (E (else (add-result 'outer-guard-else) E)) (guard (E ((begin (add-result 'inner-guard-test) (raise 2)) E)) (with-unwind-protection (lambda (why) (add-result 'unwind-handler)) (lambda () (dynamic-wind (lambda () (add-result 'in-guard)) (lambda () (add-result 'thunk-in) (raise 1) (add-result 'thunk-out)) (lambda () (add-result 'out-guard)))))))) ⇒ (2 (in-guard thunk-in out-guard inner-guard-test outer-guard-else))
guardsIn the following example an exception is raised from a
’s in–guard thunk: the unwind handler is
not called and the original exception is lost.
(with-result (guard (E (else (add-result 'guard-else) E)) (dynamic-wind (let ((flag #f)) (lambda () (cond (flag (add-result 'in-guard/raise) (raise 2)) (else (set! flag #t) (add-result 'in-guard))))) (lambda () (with-unwind-handler (lambda (E) (add-result 'unwind-handler)) (lambda () (add-result 'thunk-in) (raise 1)))) (lambda () (add-result 'out-guard))))) ⇒ (2 (in-guard thunk-in out-guard in-guard/raise guard-else))
Next: iklib unwind-protect call/cc, Previous: iklib unwind-protect dyn-env, Up: iklib unwind-protect [Index]