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6.19.3 Accessing and mutating fields

Function: record-accessor rtd index/name
Function: record-accessor rtd index/name accessor-who

As defined by R6RS, this function accepts only two arguments and the second is a relative field index; record-accessor. Vicare extends this function.

The argument index/name can be either a relative field index, as specified by R6RS, or a symbol representing a field name. In the second case rtd and its parents are searched for the first matching field specification, so fields of the sub–types take precedence.

The optional third argument accessor-who must be a symbol representing the name of the returned accessor function; it is used for descriptive error reporting.

Here is an example with the field name argument being a symbol:

(import (vicare))
(define-record-type alpha
  (fields a b c))
(define alpha-rtd
  (record-type-descriptor alpha))
(define R
  (make-alpha 1 2 3))
((record-accessor alpha-rtd 'a) R)      ⇒ 1
((record-accessor alpha-rtd 'b) R)      ⇒ 2
((record-accessor alpha-rtd 'c) R)      ⇒ 3

Below is another example with record type inheritance; notice that both the record types have a field named ‘C’ and the sub–type takes precedence:

(import (vicare))
(define-record-type alpha
  (fields a b C))
(define-record-type beta
  (parent alpha)
  (fields C d e))
(define beta-rtd
  (record-type-descriptor beta))
(define R
  (make-beta 1 2 3 4 5 6))
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'a) R)       ⇒ 1
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'b) R)       ⇒ 2
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'C) R)       ⇒ 4
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'd) R)       ⇒ 5
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'e) R)       ⇒ 6
Function: record-mutator rtd index/name
Function: record-mutator rtd index/name mutator-who

As defined by R6RS, this function accepts only two arguments and the second is a relative field index; record-mutator. Vicare extends this function.

The argument index/name can be either a relative field index, as specified by R6RS, or a symbol representing a field name. In the second case rtd and its parents are searched for the first matching field specification, so fields of the sub–types take precedence.

The optional third argument mutator-who must be a symbol representing the name of the returned mutator function; it is used for descriptive error reporting.

Here is an example with the field name argument being a symbol:

(import (vicare))
(define-record-type alpha
  (fields a b c))
(define alpha-rtd
  (record-type-descriptor alpha))
(define R
  (make-alpha 1 2 3))
((record-mutator alpha-rtd 'a) R 19)
((record-mutator alpha-rtd 'b) R 29)
((record-mutator alpha-rtd 'c) R 39)
((record-accessor alpha-rtd 'a) R)      ⇒ 1
((record-accessor alpha-rtd 'b) R)      ⇒ 2
((record-accessor alpha-rtd 'c) R)      ⇒ 3

and another example with record type inheritance; notice that both the record types have a field named ‘C’ and the sub–type takes precedence:

(import (vicare))
(define-record-type alpha
  (fields a b C))
(define-record-type beta
  (parent alpha)
  (fields C d e))
(define beta-rtd
  (record-type-descriptor beta))
(define R
  (make-beta 1 2 3 4 5 6))
((record-mutator beta-rtd 'a) R 19)
((record-mutator beta-rtd 'b) R 29)
((record-mutator beta-rtd 'C) R 49)
((record-mutator beta-rtd 'd) R 59)
((record-mutator beta-rtd 'e) R 69)
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'a) R)       ⇒ 19
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'b) R)       ⇒ 29
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'C) R)       ⇒ 49
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'd) R)       ⇒ 59
((record-accessor beta-rtd 'e) R)       ⇒ 69
Function: unsafe-record-accessor rtd index/name
Function: unsafe-record-accessor rtd index/name accessor-who

Like record-accessor, but return an unsafe field accessor that will not validate its arguments.

Function: unsafe-record-mutator rtd index/name
Function: unsafe-record-mutator rtd index/name mutator-who

Like record-mutator, but return an unsafe field mutator that will not validate its arguments.

Function: record-ref reco index

Return the value of the field at absolute index index for the record reco.

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