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The following example defines an anonymous module, without expressions, and invokes its functions from the enclosing region (which is a top–level program):
(import (vicare)) (module (one two three) (define (one) 'one) (define (two) 'two) (define (three) (cons 'three (hidden))) (define (hidden) 'hidden)) (fprintf (current-error-port) "calling anonymous: ~s ~s ~s\n" (one) (two) (three))
the output of the program is:
calling anonymous: one two (three . hidden)
notice that the hidden
function is visible inside the module but
not in the enclosing region.
The following example defines a module, with expressions, and invokes its functions from the enclosing region (which is a top–level program):
(import (vicare)) (module (one two three) (define (one) 'one) (define (two) 'two) (define (three) (cons 'three (hidden))) (define (hidden) 'hidden) (fprintf (current-error-port) "defining an anonymous module\n")) (fprintf (current-error-port) "calling anonymous: ~s ~s ~s\n" (one) (two) (three))
the output of the program is:
defining an anonymous module calling anonymous: one two (three . hidden)
notice how the expressions at the end of a module are evaluated before the expressions at the end of the top–level program.
When a module definition is present at the top–level of a program: trailing expressions at the end of the module definitions are handled like top–level expressions mixed between top–level definitions. We can verify this with the following program:
(import (vicare)) (define a (begin (fprintf (current-error-port) "before\n") (void))) (module () (fprintf (current-error-port) "module\n")) (define b (begin (fprintf (current-error-port) "after\n") (void)))
whose output is:
before module after
Let’s see, instead, what happens when the module definition is at the
top–level of a library, which does not allow mixed definitions and
expressions. The following program defines a library using the
(import (vicare)) (library (the-demo) (export a) (import (vicare)) (define a (begin (fprintf (current-error-port) "before\n") 123)) (module () (fprintf (current-error-port) "module\n")) (define b (begin (fprintf (current-error-port) "after\n") (void))) (fprintf (current-error-port) "library: ~a\n" a) #| end of library |# ) (import (the-demo)) (fprintf (current-error-port) "program: ~a\n" a)
the output is:
before module after library: 123 program: 123
here the module’s trailing expressions are evaluated after all the module’s definitions and before the following library’s definitions and expressions.
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