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6.12.13 Procedure signature return value violations

Condition Type: &procedure-signature-return-value-violation

Condition object type representing invalid values returned from an expression; it is derived from &procedure-postcondition-violation. It has the following fields:


One–based index of the offending return value in the tuple of values returned by the expression. It is #f when the index is unknown.


Symbolic expression representing the predicate used to validate the return value.


The actual value returned by the expression.

Function: make-procedure-signature-return-value-violation retval-index failed-expression offending-value

Build and return a new condition object of type &procedure-signature-return-value-violation.

Function: procedure-signature-return-value-violation? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &procedure-signature-return-value-violation; otherwise return #f.

Function: cnd
Function: procedure-signature-return-value-violation.failed-expression cnd
Function: procedure-signature-return-value-violation.offending-value cnd

Accessors for the fields of condition objects of type &procedure-signature-return-value-violation.

Function: procedure-signature-return-value-violation who message retval-index failed-expression offending-value irritant

Raise a compound condition object as non–continuable exception with component types: &who, &message, &irritants, &procedure-signature-return-value-violation.