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D.5 More cases of exception handling

Let’s imagine the following prelude for all the examples in this section:

(import (vicare)
  (only (vicare checks)

This is what happens when we raise an exception from the in–guard thunk of a dynamic-wind:

      (lambda (escape)
            (lambda (E)
              (escape E))
          (lambda ()
                (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'in-guard)
                  (raise 1))
                (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'thunk))
                (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'out-guard))))))))
⇒ (1 (in-guard))

This is what happens when we raise an exception from the out–guard thunk of a dynamic-wind:

      (lambda (escape)
            (lambda (E)
              (escape E))
          (lambda ()
                (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'in-guard))
                (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'thunk))
                (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'out-guard)
                  (raise 1))))))))
⇒ (1 (in-guard thunk out-guard))

This is what happens when we raise an exception from the thunk of a dynamic-wind and the from the out–guard of the same:

  (define count 0)
      (lambda (escape)
            (lambda (E)
              (add-result (list 'handler E))
              (escape E))
          (lambda ()
                (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'in-guard))
                (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'thunk)
                  (raise 1))
                (lambda ()
                  (add-result 'out-guard)
                  (raise 2))))))))
⇒ (2 (in-guard
       thunk     (handler 1)
       out-guard (handler 2)))

the first exception is forgotten when escape attempts to exit the dynamic extent of the thunk.