Posted on Mar 8, 2025
I find the political debate in Italy is appalling.
I have been consuming material about geopolitics; it is interesting to inform oneself about “this political actor has/has-no convenience about doing/not–doing that”; but I do not want to pollute my mind with any reasoning that implies “I know what Putin will do” and/or “I know what Trump will do”: there is a limit to the stupidity I can tolerate.
I do not know what will happen; everybody else does not know what will happen. I want the European Union to be prepared for the worse; even if it sucks to do it.
Even if in History there have been (and I doubt it) peoples, living in territories, without being able to defend themselves, that did not become prey on a land depredated by some other people: I do not want the E.U. to take that stance. It would be too stupid.
And there is no going back. Even if: 600 days from now Donald Trump will die of heart attack, and elections will be held, and Michelle Robinson married Obama will win, I do not believe that she would roll back the policy of “not defending Europe like the U.S.A. did before”; she would be unable to ignore that the U.S. citizens that voted Trump exist. The worse scenario is that she would not do it: so let’s not assume that it will happen.
Let’s be like Batman for a change!