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13.3.2 Logic memory segments

Some memory for use by the Scheme program is allocated through mmap() in blocks called allocated segments. A segment’s size is a fixed constant which must be defined as an exact multiple of the memory allocation granularity used by mmap(); we define the preprocessor macro IK_SEGMENT_SIZE to be such constant.

On Unix platforms we expect mmap()’s allocation granularity to be 4096; on Windows platforms, under Cygwin, we expect mmap()’s allocation granularity to be 2^16 = 65536 = 16 * IK_PAGESIZE. So the allocation granularity is not always equal to the system page size, and not always equal to Vicare’s page size.

Remembering that we have defined the preprocessor constant IK_CHUNK_SIZE to be 4096, and assuming:

1 mebibyte = 1 MiB = 2^20 bytes = 1024 * 1024 bytes
           = 1048576 bytes

we want the segment size to be 4 MiB:

4 MiB = 4 * 1024 * 1024 = 64 * 2^16 = 64 * 65536
      = 4096 * 1024 = 4096 * (4096 / 4) = IK_CHUNK_SIZE * 1024
      = 2^22 = 4194304 bytes
      = #x400000
      = #b10000000000000000000000

notice how many zero bits there are in the binary representation of 4 MiB:

(number->string (* 4096 1024) 2)
⇒ #b10000000000000000000000
;;   21098765432109876543210

Vicare distinguishes between allocated segments and logic segments:

so, typically, allocated segments of size IK_SEGMENT_SIZE are displaced from logic segments:

       alloc segment  alloc segment  alloc segment

  logic segment  logic segment  logic segment  logic segment

 page page page page page page page page page page page page

logic segments are absolute portions of the memory seen by a running system process. It is natural to assign a zero–based index to each logic segment:

  logic segment  logic segment  logic segment  logic segment
 ^              ^              ^              ^
#x000000       #x400000       #x800000       #xC00000
index 0        index 1        index 2        index 3

IK_SEGMENT_SHIFT is the number of bits to right–shift a pointer or tagged pointer to obtain the index of the logic segment containing the pointer itself; it is the number for which:


When we want to determine the page index and logic segement index of the pointer X:

  logic segment  logic segment  logic segment
 page page page page page page page page page
|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| page indexes
  P   P+1  P+2  P+3  P+4  P+5  P+6  P+7  P+7

|--------------|--------------|--------------| segment indexes
       S             S+1            S+2

we do:

X >> IK_PAGESHIFT     == IK_PAGE_INDEX(X)    == P+4
C Preprocessor Macro: ikuword_t IK_SEGMENT_INDEX (ikuword_t X)

Given a tagged or untagged pointer X: return the index of the logic segment it belongs to.

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