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6.13.5 Miscellaneous additional syntaxes

The following syntaxes are available only when the input port mode is set to vicare.

Reader Syntax: |symbol|

The vertical bars can be used to specify symbols whose name does not comply with the R6RS specifications; this syntax is available only when the port mode is #!vicare. Examples:

(define port (open-string-input-port "|123|"))
(set-port-mode! port 'vicare)
(define sym (read port))

(symbol? sym)           ⇒ #t
(symbol->string sym)    ⇒ "123"

backslash sequences are allowed in bar symbols:

(define port (open-string-input-port "|123-\x41;\x42;\x43;|"))
(set-port-mode! port 'vicare)
(define sym (read port))

(symbol? sym)           ⇒ #t
(symbol->string sym)    ⇒ "123-\x41;\x42;\x43;"

notice that the sequence of characters |ciao|hello| is split into ciao, hello, | and the ending vertical bar would cause an error if read:

(define port (open-string-input-port "|ciao|hello|"))
(set-port-mode! port 'vicare)

(read port)             ⇒ ciao
(read port)             ⇒ hello
(port-eof? port)        ⇒ #f
(get-char port)         ⇒ #\|
(port-eof? port)        ⇒ #t
Reader Syntax: #{unique-name}
Reader Syntax: #{pretty-name unique-name}

Vicare’s read and write procedures extend the lexical syntax of Scheme by the ability to read and write gensyms using one of these three forms.

#{unique-name} constructs, at read time, a gensym whose unique name is the one specified. If a gensym with the same unique name already exists in the system’s symbol table, that gensym is returned.

> '#{some-long-name}
#{g0 |some-long-name|}
> (gensym? '#{some-long-unique-name})
> (eq? '#{another-unique-name} '#{another-unique-name})

The two–part #{pretty-name unique-name} gensym syntax is similar to the syntax shown above with the exception that if a new gensym is constructed (that is, if the gensym did not already exist in the symbol table), the pretty name of the constructed gensym is set to pretty-name.

> '#{foo unique-identifier}
#{foo |unique-identifier|}
> '#{unique-identifier}
#{foo |unique-identifier|}
> '#{bar unique-identifier}
#{foo |unique-identifier|}
Reader Syntax: #:symbol

Read a keyword object using symbol as symbol. symbol must be a symbol object as defined by R6RS. Keyword objects.

Reader Syntax: #!eof

The end–of–file marker, #!eof, is an extension to the R6RS syntax. The primary utility of the #!eof marker is to stop the reader (e.g. read and get-datum) from reading the rest of the file.

(import (vicare))
<some code>
(display "goodbye\n")

<some junk>

The #!eof marker also serves as a datum in Vicare, much like #t and #f, when it is found inside other expressions.

> (eof-object)
> (read (open-input-string ""))
> (read (open-input-string "#!eof"))
> (quote #!eof)
> (eof-object? '#!eof)
> #!r6rs #!eof
Unhandled exception
 Condition components:
   1. &lexical
   2. &i/o-read
   3. &message: "invalid syntax"
   4. &irritants: ("#!eof")
   5. &source-position:
       port-id: "*stdin*"
> #!vicare #!eof
Reader Syntax: #ci form
Reader Syntax: #cs form

Switch between case sensitive and case insensitive identifiers; the default for R6RS source code is case sensitive. When #ci is read: the next form read has case insensitive identifiers. When #cs is read: the next form read has case sensitive identifiers.

#ci(1 2 3)              ⇒ (1 2 3)
#cs(1 2 3)              ⇒ (1 2 3)

#ci(1 A 3)              ⇒ (1 a 3)
#cs(1 A 3)              ⇒ (1 A 3)

#ci CIAO #cs CIAO       ⇒ ciao CIAO
#ci CIAO CIAO           ⇒ ciao CIAO

#ci(A #csB C)           ⇒ (a B c)
#ci(A #cs B C)          ⇒ (a B c)

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