Previous: , Up: iklib io non-blocking   [Index] Extended textual input functions

Function: get-char port

Return the EOF object, the would–block object or a character:

Function: read-char
Function: read-char port

Like get-char.

Function: lookahead-char port

Like get-char, but it does not update port to point past the character.

Function: peek-char
Function: peek-char port

Like lookahead-char.

Function: get-string-n port requested-count

Return the EOF object, the would–block object or a string and update the input port to point past the consumed characters:

Function: get-string-n! port dst.str dst.start count

Return the EOF object, the would–block object or a string and update the input port to point past the consumed characters:

Function: get-string-all port

Return the EOF object or a string and update the input port to point past the consumed characters:

Even when the underlying device is in non–blocking mode: this function attempts to read input until the EOF is found.

Function: get-string-some port

Return the EOF object, the would–block object or a string and update the input port to point past the consumed characters:

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