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25.6.4 String and numeric parts dictionary comparison

String/numbers dictionary comparison is like string/numbers comparison, but white space characters in the string arguments are ignored; for example, the string ‘foo 4bar\t3za\nb10’ is split into the following list:

("foo" 4 "bar" 3 "zab" 10)

in which non–numeric parts are retained as Scheme strings, numeric parts become exact integers and white spaces are dropped. Recognised white spaces are:

#\space         #\tab           #\vtab
#\linefeed      #\return        #\page
Function: string/numbers-dictionary-compare str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary-compare str1 str2

Compare the string and numeric parts of the arguments and return a ternary result: ‘-1’ if str1 is less than str2, ‘0’ if str1 is equal to str2, ‘+1’ if str1 is greater than str2. The comparison is case sensitive.

Function: string/numbers-dictionary=? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary<>? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary<? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary<=? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary>? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary>=? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary=? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary<>? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary<? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary<=? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary>? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary>=? str1 str2

Return #t or #f, whether the string arguments comply with the predicate.

Function: string/numbers-dictionary-compare-ci str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary-compare-ci str1 str2

Compare the string and numeric parts of the arguments and return a ternary result: ‘-1’ if str1 is less than str2, ‘0’ if str1 is equal to str2, ‘+1’ if str1 is greater than str2. The comparison is case insensitive.

Function: string/numbers-dictionary-ci=? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary-ci<>? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary-ci<? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary-ci>? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary-ci<=? str1 str2
Function: string/numbers-dictionary-ci>=? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary-ci=? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary-ci<>? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary-ci<? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary-ci>? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary-ci<=? str1 str2
Function: %string/numbers-dictionary-ci>=? str1 str2

Return #t or #f, whether the string arguments comply with the predicate. The comparison is case insensitive.

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