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Date objects are immutable once created. The following procedures are required.

Function: make-date nanosecond second minute hour day month year zone-offset

Create a date object.

Function: date? object

Return #t if object is a date object; otherwise return #f.

Function: date-nanosecond date

Return the Nanosecond component of date.

Function: date-second date

Return the Second component of date.

Function: date-minute date

Return the Minute component of date.

Function: date-hour date

Return the Hour component of date.

Function: date-day date

Return the date component of date.

Function: date-month date

Return the Month component of date.

Function: date-year date

Return the Year component of date.

Function: date-zone-offset date

Return the Time zone component of date.

Function: date-year-day date

Return the ordinal day of the year of this date. January 1 is 1, etc.

Function: date-week-day date

Return the day of the week of this date, where Sunday=0, Monday=1, etc.

Function: date-week-number date day-of-week-starting-week

Return the ordinal week of the year which holds this date, ignoring a first partial week. day-of-week-starting-week is the integer corresponding to the day of the week which is to be considered the first day of the week (Sunday=0, Monday=1, etc.).