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Function: xsubstring str from
Function: xsubstring str from to
Function: xsubstring str from to start
Function: xsubstring str from to start end

This is the “extended substring” procedure that implements replicated copying of a substring of some string.

str is a string; start and end are optional arguments that demarcate a substring of str, defaulting to 0 and the length of str (i.e. the whole string).

This function replicates the selected substring “up and down” index space, in both the positive and negative directions. For example, if:

str   = "abcdefg"
start = 3
end   = 6

then we have the conceptual bidirectionally–infinite string:

...  d  e  f  d  e  f  d  e  f  d  e  f  d  e  f  d  e  f  d  ...
... -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9  ...

that is defg repeated in both directions.

xsubstring returns the substring of this string beginning at index from, and ending at to which defaults to from + (end - start).

We can use xsubstring to perform a variety of tasks:

Note that:

It is an error if start = end; although this is allowed by special dispensation when from = to.

Function: string-xcopy! dst.str dst.start src.str src.from
Function: string-xcopy! dst.str dst.start src.str src.from
Function: string-xcopy! dst.str dst.start src.str src.from src.start
Function: string-xcopy! dst.str dst.start src.str src.from src.start src.end

Exactly the same as xsubstring, but the extracted text is written into the string dst.str starting at index dst.start. This operation is not defined if (eq? dst.str src.str) or these two arguments share storage; we cannot copy a string on top of itself.

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