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2.37.2 Constructors

Function: set comparator element
Function: bag comparator element

Return a newly allocated empty set. comparator is a SRFI-114 comparator, which is used to control and distinguish the elements of the set. The elements are used to initialize the set.

(import (vicare) (srfi :113) (srfi :114))

(define S
  (set fixnum-comparator 1 2 3))
(values (set-contains? S 1)
        (set-contains? S 2)
        (set-contains? S 3)
        (set-size S))
⇒ #t #t #t 3

(define B
  (bag fixnum-comparator 1 2 3 2))
(values (bag-contains? B 1)
        (bag-contains? B 2)
        (bag-contains? B 3)
        (bag-size B))
⇒ #t #t #t 4
Function: set-unfold comparator stop? mapper successor seed
Function: bag-unfold comparator stop? mapper successor seed

Create a newly allocated set as if by set or bag using comparator. If the result of applying the predicate stop? to seed is true, return the set. Otherwise, apply the procedure mapper to seed. The value that mapper returns is added to the set. Then get a new seed by applying the procedure successor to seed, and repeat this algorithm.

(import (vicare) (srfi :113) (srfi :114))

(define (stop? seed)
  (fx>? seed 3))

(define (mapper seed)
  (number->string seed))

(define (successor seed)
  (fxadd1 seed))

(define S
  (set-unfold string-comparator stop? mapper successor 1))

(values (set-contains? S "1")
        (set-contains? S "2")
        (set-contains? S "3")
        (set-size S)))
⇒ #t #t #t 3

(define B
  (bag-unfold string-comparator stop? mapper successor 1))

(values (bag-contains? B "1")
        (bag-contains? B "2")
        (bag-contains? B "3")
        (bag-size B)))
⇒ #t #t #t 3