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2.38.6 Standard comparators

The following comparators are analogous to the standard compare procedures of SRFI-67. They all provide appropriate hash functions as well.

Constant: boolean-comparator

Compare booleans using the total order #f < #t.

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C boolean-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C #f)     ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C #t)     ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)    ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C #f)    ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C #t)    ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C #f #f)     ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C #f #t)     ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C #f #f)    ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C #f #t)    ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C #t #f)    ⇒ +1
Constant: char-comparator

Compare characters using the total order implied by char<?. On R6RS and R7RS systems, this is Unicode code point order.

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C char-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C #\a)    ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C #\b)    ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)    ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C #\a)   ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C #\b)   ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C #\a #\a)   ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C #\a #\b)   ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C #\a #\a)  ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C #\a #\b)  ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C #\b #\a)  ⇒ +1

(comparator-hash C #\a)         ⇒ 97
(comparator-hash C #\b)         ⇒ 98
Constant: char-ci-comparator

Compare characters using the total order implied by char-ci<?. On R6RS and R7RS systems, this is Unicode code point order after the characters have been folded to lower case.

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C char-ci-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C #\A)    ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C #\b)    ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)    ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C #\A)   ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C #\b)   ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C #\A #\A)   ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C #\A #\b)   ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C #\A #\A)  ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C #\A #\b)  ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C #\b #\A)  ⇒ +1

(comparator-hash C #\A)         ⇒ 97
(comparator-hash C #\b)         ⇒ 98
Constant: string-comparator

Compare strings using the total order implied by string<?. Note that this order is implementation–dependent.

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C string-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C "a")    ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C "b")    ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)    ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C "a")   ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C "b")   ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C "a" "a")   ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C "a" "b")   ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C "a" "a")  ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C "a" "b")  ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C "b" "a")  ⇒ +1

(comparator-hash C "a")         ⇒ 1798195
(comparator-hash C "b")         ⇒ 36222037
Constant: string-ci-comparator

Compare strings using the total order implied by string-ci<?. Note that this order is implementation–dependent.

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C string-ci-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C "A")    ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C "b")    ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)    ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C "A")   ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C "b")   ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C "A" "A")   ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C "A" "b")   ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C "A" "A")  ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C "A" "b")  ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C "b" "A")  ⇒ +1

(comparator-hash C "A")         ⇒ 1798195
(comparator-hash C "b")         ⇒ 36222037
Constant: symbol-comparator

Compare symbols using the total order implied by applying symbol->string to the symbols and comparing them using the total order implied by string<?. It is not a requirement that the hash function of symbol-comparator be consistent with the hash function of string-comparator.

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C string-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C 'a)     ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 'b)     ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)    ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C 'a)    ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C 'b)    ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C 'a 'a)     ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C 'a 'b)     ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C 'a 'a)    ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C 'a 'b)    ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C 'b 'a)    ⇒ +1

(comparator-hash C 'a)          ⇒ 1798195
(comparator-hash C 'b)          ⇒ 36222037
Constant: fixnum-comparator
Constant: exact-integer-comparator
Constant: integer-comparator
Constant: rational-comparator
Constant: real-comparator
Constant: complex-comparator
Constant: number-comparator

These comparators compare fixnums, exact integers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers, and any numbers using the total order implied by <.

They must be compatible with the R5RS numerical tower in the following sense: if S is a subtype of the numerical type T and the two objects are members of S, then the equality predicate and comparison procedures (but not necessarily the hash function) of S-comparator and T-comparator compute the same results on those objects.

Since non–real numbers cannot be compared with <, the following least–surprising ordering is defined: if the real parts are < or >, so are the numbers; otherwise, the numbers are ordered by their imaginary parts. This can still produce surprising results if one real part is exact and the other is inexact.

fixnum-comparator is a Vicare extension.

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C exact-integer-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C 1)      ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 2)      ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)    ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C 1)     ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C 2)     ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C 1 1)       ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C 1 2)       ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C 1 1)      ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C 1 2)      ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C 2 1)      ⇒ +1

(comparator-hash C 1)           ⇒ 1
(comparator-hash C 2)           ⇒ 2
Constant: pair-comparator

Compare pairs using default-comparator on their cars. If the cars are not equal, that value is returned. If they are equal, default-comparator is used on their cdrs and that value is returned.

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C pair-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C '(1 . 2))       ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C '(3 . 4))       ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)            ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C '(1 . 2))      ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C '(3 . 4))      ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C '(1 . 2) '(1 . 2)) ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C '(1 . 2) '(3 . 4)) ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C '(1 . 2) '(1 . 2)) ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C '(1 . 2) '(3 . 4)) ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C '(3 . 4) '(1 . 2)) ⇒ +1

(comparator-hash C '(1 . 2))            ⇒ 3
(comparator-hash C '(3 . 4))            ⇒ 7
Constant: list-comparator

Compare lists lexicographically, as follows:

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C list-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C '(1 2))         ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C '(3 4))         ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)            ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C '(1 2))        ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C '(3 4))        ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C '(1 2) '(1 2))     ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C '(1 2) '(3 4))     ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C '(1 2) '(1 2))    ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C '(1 2) '(3 4))    ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C '(3 4) '(1 2))    ⇒ +1

(comparator-hash C '(1 2))              ⇒ 617064
(comparator-hash C '(3 4))              ⇒ 617132
Constant: vector-comparator
Constant: bytevector-comparator

Compare vectors and bytevectors by comparing their lengths. A shorter argument is always less than a longer one. If the lengths are equal, then each element is compared in turn using default-comparator until a pair of unequal elements is found, in which case the result is the result of that comparison. If all elements are equal, the arguments are equal.

NOTE Vicare supports bytevectors, other Scheme implementations might not support them. If the implementation does not support bytevectors, bytevector-comparator has a type testing procedure that always returns #f.

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define C vector-comparator)

(comparator-test-type C '#(1 2))        ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C '#(3 4))        ⇒ #t
(comparator-test-type C 123)            ⇒ #f

(comparator-check-type C '#(1 2))       ⇒ #t
(comparator-check-type C '#(3 4))       ⇒ #t
    (comparator-check-type C (void))
  (catch E
    ((&comparator-type-error)   #t)
    (else                       #f)))
⇒ #t

(comparator-equal? C '#(1 2) '#(1 2))   ⇒ #t
(comparator-equal? C '#(1 2) '#(3 4))   ⇒ #f

(comparator-compare C '#(1 2) '#(1 2))  ⇒ 0
(comparator-compare C '#(1 2) '#(3 4))  ⇒ -1
(comparator-compare C '#(3 4) '#(1 2))  ⇒ +1

(comparator-hash C '#(1 2))             ⇒ 177575
(comparator-hash C '#(3 4))             ⇒ 177577

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