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2.38.18 Condition object types

As Vicare extension the following condition objects are defined.

Comparator error

Condition Object Type: &comparator-error

Used to signal an error while using a comparator’s facilities. It is derived from &error.

Function: make-comparator-error compar obj

Build and return a new condition object of type &comparator-error.

Function: comparator-error? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &comparator-error; otherwise return #f.

Unsupported operation error

Condition Object Type: &unsupported-comparator-operation-error

Used to signal an attempt to use an unsupported operation. It is derived from &comparator-ertor.

It has the following fields:


The comparator that does not support the operation.

Function: make-unsupported-comparator-operation-error comparator

Build and return a new condition object of type &unsupported-comparator-operation-error.

Function: unsupported-comparator-operation-error? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &unsupported-comparator-operation-error; otherwise return #f.

Function: unsupported-comparator-operation-error.comparator cnd

Accessor for the field of condition objects of type &unsupported-comparator-operation-error.

Function: raise-unsupported-comparator-operation-error who message comparator irritant

Raise a non–continuable exception with compound condition object of types: &who, &message, &unsupported-comparator-operation-error, &irritants.

Comparator type error

Condition Object Type: &comparator-type-error

Used to signal an attempt to use the facilities of a comparator with an object that does not satisfy the comparator’s type predicate. It is derived from &comparator-error. It has two fields:


The comparator object.


List of objects with which the comparator was used.

Function: make-comparator-type-error compar obj

Build and return a new condition object of type &comparator-type-error.

Function: comparator-type-error? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &comparator-type-error; otherwise return #f.

Condition Object Accessor: comparator-type-error.comparator cond
Condition Object Accessor: comparator-type-error.objects cond

Accessors for the fields of condition objects of type &comparator-type-error.

Function: raise-comparator-type-error who message comparator object

Raise a non–continuable exception with compound condition object of types: &who, &message, &comparator-type-error, &irritants.

Function: raise-comparator-argument-type-error who message comparator object

Raise a non–continuable exception with compound condition object of types: &who, &message, &comparator-type-error, &irritants, &procedure-argument-violation.

Not–a–number comparison error

Condition Object Type: &comparator-nan-comparison-error

Used to signal an invalid comparison in which one of the operands is +nan.0. It is derived from &comparator-error.

It has the following fields:


The comparator object that was used for the comparison.

Function: make-comparator-nan-comparison-error-condition comparator

Build and return a new condition object of type &comparator-nan-comparison-error.

Function: condition-comparator-nan-comparison-error? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &comparator-nan-comparison-error; otherwise return #f.

Function: comparator-nan-comparison-error.comparator cnd

Accessor for the field of condition objects of type &comparator-nan-comparison-error.

Function: raise-comparator-nan-comparison-error who message comparator

Raise a non–continuable exception with compound condition object of types: &who, &message, &irritants, &comparator-nan-comparison-error.

Comparator error

Condition Object Type: &inexact-real-comparator-with-ignored-epsilon

Used to signal that a non-false epsilon argument was used with a symbolic rounding argument in the call to make-inexact-real-comparator: in this case epsilon is ignored.

It has the following fields:


The epsilon argument.


The rounding argument. A symbol among: floor, ceiling, truncate, round.

Function: make-inexact-real-comparator-with-ignored-epsilon-condition epsilon rounding

Build and return a condition object of type &inexact-real-comparator-with-ignored-epsilon. It is derived from &warning.

Function: condition-inexact-real-comparator-with-ignored-epsilon? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &inexact-real-comparator-with-ignored-epsilon; otherwise return #f.

Function: inexact-real-comparator-with-ignored-epsilon.epsilon cnd
Function: inexact-real-comparator-with-ignored-epsilon.rounding cnd

Field accessors for condition object of type &inexact-real-comparator-with-ignored-epsilon.

Debug comparator error

Condition Object Type: &comparator-debug-error

Used to signal errors raised by comparators returned by make-debug-comparator. It is derived from &comparator-error.

It has the following fields:


The debug comparator that raised the error.


The comparator that violated the requirements.

Function: make-comparator-debug-error debug-comparator comparator

Build and return a new condition object of type &comparator-debug-error.

Function: comparator-debug-error? obj

Return #t if obj is a condition object of type &comparator-debug-error; otherwise return #f.

Function: comparator-debug-error.debug-comparator cnd
Function: comparator-debug-error.comparator cnd

Accessors for the fields of &comparator-debug-error.

Function: raise-comparator-debug-error who message debug-comparator comparator irritant

Raise a non–continuable exception with compound condition object of types: &who, &message, &comparator-debug-error, &irritants.

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