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2.38.14 Comparison predicates and predicate constructors

Function: =? comparator obj1 obj2 obj3
Function: <? comparator obj1 obj2 obj3
Function: >? comparator obj1 obj2 obj3
Function: <=? comparator obj1 obj2 obj3
Function: >=? comparator obj1 obj2 obj3

These procedures are analogous to the number, character, and string comparison predicates of Scheme. They allow the convenient use of comparators in situations where the expression types are not usable. They are also analogous to the similarly named procedures of SRFI-67, but handle arbitrary numbers of arguments, which in SRFI-67 requires the use of the variants whose names begin with chain.

These procedures apply the comparison procedure of comparator to the objects as follows: if the specified relation returns #t for all objj and objk where 1 <= j < k <= N and N is the number of objects, then the procedures return #t; otherwise return #f.

The order in which the values are compared is unspecified. Because the relations are transitive, it suffices to compare each object with its successor.

Usage examples:

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define-constant C fixnum-comparator)


(=? C 1 1)      ⇒ #t
(=? C 1 2)      ⇒ #f
(=? C 2 1)      ⇒ #f

(=? C 1 1 1)    ⇒ #t
(=? C 1 2 3)    ⇒ #f
(=? C 2 1 3)    ⇒ #f
(=? C 3 2 1)    ⇒ #f
(=? C 1 3 2)    ⇒ #f


(<? C 1 1)      ⇒ #f
(<? C 1 2)      ⇒ #t
(<? C 2 1)      ⇒ #f

(<? C 1 1 1)    ⇒ #f
(<? C 1 2 3)    ⇒ #t
(<? C 2 1 3)    ⇒ #f
(<? C 3 2 1)    ⇒ #f
(<? C 1 3 2)    ⇒ #f


(>? C 1 1)      ⇒ #f
(>? C 1 2)      ⇒ #f
(>? C 2 1)      ⇒ #t

(>? C 1 1 1)    ⇒ #f
(>? C 3 2 1)    ⇒ #t
(>? C 1 2 3)    ⇒ #f
(>? C 2 1 3)    ⇒ #f
(>? C 1 3 2)    ⇒ #f


(<=? C 1 1)     ⇒ #t
(<=? C 1 2)     ⇒ #t
(<=? C 2 1)     ⇒ #f

(<=? C 1 1 1)   ⇒ #t
(<=? C 1 2 3)   ⇒ #t
(<=? C 2 1 3)   ⇒ #f
(<=? C 3 2 1)   ⇒ #f
(<=? C 1 3 2)   ⇒ #f


(>=? C 1 1)     ⇒ #t
(>=? C 1 2)     ⇒ #f
(>=? C 2 1)     ⇒ #t

(>=? C 1 1 1)   ⇒ #t
(>=? C 3 2 1)   ⇒ #t
(>=? C 1 2 3)   ⇒ #f
(>=? C 2 1 3)   ⇒ #f
(>=? C 1 3 2)   ⇒ #f
Function: make= comparator
Function: make< comparator
Function: make> comparator
Function: make<= comparator
Function: make>= comparator

These procedures return predicates which, when applied to two or more arguments, return #t if comparing the arguments using the equality or comparison procedures of comparator shows that the objects bear the specified relation to one another. Such predicates can be used in contexts that do not understand or expect comparators.

Usage examples:

(import (vicare) (srfi :114))

(define-constant C fixnum-comparator)


(let ((fun=? (make= C)))
  (fun=? 1 1)           ⇒ #t
  (fun=? 1 2)           ⇒ #f
  (fun=? 2 1)           ⇒ #f

  (fun=? 1 1 1)         ⇒ #t
  (fun=? 1 2 3)         ⇒ #f
  (fun=? 2 1 3)         ⇒ #f
  (fun=? 3 2 1)         ⇒ #f
  (fun=? 1 3 2))        ⇒ #f


(let ((fun<? (make< C)))
  (fun<? 1 1)           ⇒ #f
  (fun<? 1 2)           ⇒ #t
  (fun<? 2 1)           ⇒ #f

  (fun<? 1 1 1)         ⇒ #f
  (fun<? 1 2 3)         ⇒ #t
  (fun<? 2 1 3)         ⇒ #f
  (fun<? 3 2 1)         ⇒ #f
  (fun<? 1 3 2))        ⇒ #f


(let ((fun>? (make> C)))
  (fun>? 1 1)           ⇒ #f
  (fun>? 1 2)           ⇒ #f
  (fun>? 2 1)           ⇒ #t

  (fun>? 1 1 1)         ⇒ #f
  (fun>? 3 2 1)         ⇒ #t
  (fun>? 1 2 3)         ⇒ #f
  (fun>? 2 1 3)         ⇒ #f
  (fun>? 1 3 2))        ⇒ #f


(let ((fun<=? (make<= C)))
  (fun<=? 1 1)          ⇒ #t
  (fun<=? 1 2)          ⇒ #t
  (fun<=? 2 1)          ⇒ #f

  (fun<=? 1 1 1)        ⇒ #t
  (fun<=? 1 2 3)        ⇒ #t
  (fun<=? 2 1 3)        ⇒ #f
  (fun<=? 3 2 1)        ⇒ #f
  (fun<=? 1 3 2))       ⇒ #f


(let ((fun>=? (make>= C)))
  (fun>=? 1 1)          ⇒ #t
  (fun>=? 1 2)          ⇒ #f
  (fun>=? 2 1)          ⇒ #t

  (fun>=? 1 1 1)        ⇒ #t
  (fun>=? 3 2 1)        ⇒ #t
  (fun>=? 1 2 3)        ⇒ #f
  (fun>=? 2 1 3)        ⇒ #f
  (fun>=? 1 3 2))       ⇒ #f

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