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2.9.2 Rationale

The ability to efficiently manipulate sets of characters is quite useful for text–processing code. Encapsulating this functionality in a general, efficiently implemented library can assist all such code. This library defines a new data structure to represent these sets, called a char-set. The char-set type is distinct from all other types.

The procedures of this SRFI, by default, are “pure functional”, they do not alter their parameters. However, this SRFI defines a set of “linear–update” procedures which have a hybrid pure–functional/side–effecting semantics: they are allowed, but not required, to side–effect one of their parameters in order to construct their result. An implementation may legally implement these procedures as pure, side–effect-free functions, or it may implement them using side effects, depending upon the details of what is the most efficient or simple to implement in terms of the underlying representation.

The linear–update routines all have names ending with !.

Clients of these procedures may not rely upon these procedures working by side effect. For example, this is not guaranteed to work:

(let* ((cs1 (char-set #\a #\b #\c))      ; cs1 = {a,b,c}.
       (cs2 (char-set-adjoin! cs1 #\d))) ; Add d to {a,b,c}.
  cs1) ; Could be either {a,b,c} or {a,b,c,d}.

However, this is well–defined:

(let ((cs (char-set #\a #\b #\c)))
  (char-set-adjoin! cs #\d)) ; Add d to {a,b,c}.

So clients of these procedures write in a functional style, but must additionally be sure that, when the procedure is called, there are no other live pointers to the potentially–modified character set (hence the term “linear update”).

There are two benefits to this convention:

Note that pure functional representations are the right thing for ASCII or Latin-1 based Scheme implementations, since a char-set can be represented in an ASCII Scheme with 4 32-bit words. Pure set–algebra operations on such a representation are very fast and efficient. Programmers who code using linear–update operations are guaranteed the system will provide the best implementation across multiple platforms.

In practice, these procedures are most useful for efficiently constructing character sets in a side–effecting manner, in some limited local context, before passing the character set outside the local construction scope to be used in a functional manner.

Scheme provides no assistance in checking the linearity of the potentially side–effected parameters passed to these functions; there’s no linear type checker or run–time mechanism for detecting violations.

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