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4.24.2 Usage examples of semaphores

The following example shows how two processes can synchronise themselves to exchange a signed integer using a POSIX shared memory object and an unnamed POSIX semaphore allocated in such an object; the parent process sets up the shared memory and initialises the semaphore, then it waits for the semaphore and reads the integer; the child process writes an integer in the shared memory, then it posts the semaphore.

Notice that the informations the two processes share are:

  1. The pathname of the shared memory object.
  2. The dimension of the allocated shared memory.
  3. The fact that the semaphore is allocated at the beginning of the shared memory.
  4. The fact that the signed integer exchange area is right after the semaphore structure in the shared memory.
(import (vicare)
  (prefix (vicare posix) px.)
  (vicare platform constants)
  (only (vicare language-extensions syntaxes)

(define shm.pathname
(define shm.dim
  (px.sysconf _SC_PAGESIZE))

(define (parent child-pid)
  (let ((shm.fd (callet px.shm-open shm.pathname
                  (oflags   (fxior O_CREAT O_EXCL O_RDWR))
                  (mode     (fxior S_IRUSR S_IWUSR)))))
    (px.ftruncate shm.fd shm.dim)
        (let ((shm.base (callet px.mmap
                          (address #f)
                          (size    shm.dim)
                          (prot    (fxior PROT_READ
                          (flags   MAP_SHARED)
                          (fd      shm.fd)
                          (offset  0))))
              (let* ((sem_t     shm.base)
                     (shm.start (pointer-add shm.base
                     (sem_t     (callet px.sem-init sem_t
                                  (pshared? #t)
                                  (value    0))))
                (define timeout
                  (let ((T (px.clock-gettime CLOCK_REALTIME
                             (px.make-struct-timespec 0 0))))
                    (px.set-struct-timespec-tv_sec! T
                      (+ 2 (px.struct-timespec-tv_sec T)))
                      (px.sem-timedwait sem_t timeout)
                      (pointer-ref-c-signed-int shm.start 0))
                  (px.sem-destroy sem_t)))
            (px.munmap shm.base shm.dim)))
      (px.close shm.fd)
      (px.shm-unlink shm.pathname))))

(define (child)
  ;; Give the parent some time to open the
  ;; shared memory object.
  (px.nanosleep 1 0)
  (let ((shm.fd (callet px.shm-open shm.pathname
                  (oflags   (fxior O_CREAT O_RDWR))
                  (mode     (fxior S_IRUSR S_IWUSR)))))
        (let ((shm.base (callet px.mmap
                          (address #f)
                          (size    shm.dim)
                          (prot    (fxior PROT_READ
                          (flags   MAP_SHARED)
                          (fd      shm.fd)
                          (offset  0))))
              (let* ((sem_t     shm.base)
                     (shm.start (pointer-add shm.base
                (pointer-set-c-signed-int! shm.start 0 123)
                (px.sem-post sem_t))
            (px.munmap shm.base shm.dim)))
      (px.close shm.fd)))
  (exit 0))

(px.fork parent child)  ⇒ 123

The following example shows how two processes can synchronise themselves to exchange a signed integer using a POSIX shared memory object and a named POSIX semaphore; the parent process sets up the shared memory and the semaphore, then it waits for the semaphore and reads the integer; the child process writes an integer in the shared memory, then it posts the semaphore.

Notice that the informations the two processes share are:

  1. The pathname of the shared memory object.
  2. The pathname of the semaphore object.
  3. The dimension of the allocated shared memory.
  4. The fact that the signed integer exchange area is at the beginning of the shared memory.
(import (vicare)
  (prefix (vicare posix) px.)
  (vicare platform constants)
  (only (vicare language-extensions syntaxes)

(define sem.pathname
(define shm.pathname
(define shm.dim
  (px.sysconf _SC_PAGESIZE))

(define (parent child-pid)
  (let ((sem_t  (callet px.sem-open sem.pathname
                  (oflags (fxior O_CREAT O_EXCL O_RDWR))
                  (mode   (fxior S_IRUSR S_IWUSR))))
        (shm.fd (callet px.shm-open shm.pathname
                  (oflags   (fxior O_CREAT O_EXCL O_RDWR))
                  (mode     (fxior S_IRUSR S_IWUSR)))))
    (px.ftruncate shm.fd shm.dim)
        (let ((shm.base (callet px.mmap
                          (address #f)
                          (size    shm.dim)
                          (prot    (fxior PROT_READ
                          (flags   MAP_SHARED)
                          (fd      shm.fd)
                          (offset  0))))
                (px.sem-wait sem_t)
                (pointer-ref-c-signed-int shm.base 0))
            (px.munmap shm.base shm.dim)))
      (px.close shm.fd)
      (px.shm-unlink shm.pathname)
      (px.sem-close sem_t)
      (px.sem-unlink sem.pathname))))

(define (child)
  ;; Give the parent some time to open the
  ;; shared memory object.
  (px.nanosleep 1 0)
  (let ((sem_t  (callet px.sem-open sem.pathname
                  (oflags (fxior O_CREAT O_RDWR))
                  (mode   (fxior S_IRUSR S_IWUSR))))
        (shm.fd (callet px.shm-open shm.pathname
                  (oflags (fxior O_CREAT O_RDWR))
                  (mode   (fxior S_IRUSR S_IWUSR)))))
        (let ((shm.base (callet px.mmap
                          (address #f)
                          (size    shm.dim)
                          (prot    (fxior PROT_READ
                          (flags   MAP_SHARED)
                          (fd      shm.fd)
                          (offset  0))))
                (pointer-set-c-signed-int! shm.base 0 123)
                (px.sem-post sem_t))
            (px.munmap shm.base shm.dim)))
      (px.close shm.fd)
      (px.sem-close sem_t)))
  (exit 0))

(px.fork parent child) ⇒ 123

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