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33.3 Predicates

Range predicates

Function: %range? type obj

Return #t if obj is a valid range.

Function: %range-contains? type range obj

Return #t if obj is a member of range.

Function: %range=? type range-a range-b

Return #t if the ranges are equal.

Function: %range<? type range-a range-b

Return #t if range-a has all members less than all members of range-b.

Function: %range<=? type range-a range-b

Return #t if range-a has all members less than, or equal to, all members of range-b.

Function: %range-start<? type range-a range-b

Return #t if the start of range-a is less than the start of range-b.

Function: %range-start<=? type range-a range-b

Return #t if the start of range-a is less than, or equal to, the start of range-b.

Function: %range-past<? type range-a range-b
Function: %range-last<? type range-a range-b

Return #t if the past/last of range-a is less than the past of range-b.

Function: %range-last<=? type range-a range-b
Function: %range-past<=? type range-a range-b

Return #t if the past/last of range-a is less than, or equal to, the past of range-b.

Function: %range-contiguous? type range-a range-b

Return #t if range-a and range-b are contiguous. It does not matter which range has start less than the other.

Function: %range-overlapping? type range-a range-b

Return #t if the ranges have some elements in common.

Function: %range-superset? type range-a range-b
Function: %range-superset?/strict type range-a range-b

Return #t if range-a is a superset or a strict superset of range-a.

Function: %range-subset? type range-a range-b
Function: %range-subset?/strict type range-a range-b

Return #t if range-a is a subset or a strict subset of range-a.

Domain predicates

Function: %domain? type domain

Return true if domain is a valid domain.

Function: %domain-empty? domain

Return true if the domain is empty.

Function: %domain-contains? type domain obj

Return true if obj is an element of domain.

Function: %domain=? type domain-a domain-b

Return true if the arguments represent the same domain.

Function: %domain<? type domain-a domain-b

Return true if all the elements of domain-a are strictly less than all the elements of domain-b. Empty domains cannot be ordered, so if an argument is empty the return value is #f.

Function: %domain-subset? type domain-a domain-b
Function: %domain-subset?/strict type domain-a domain-b

Return #t if domain-a is a subset or strict subset of domain-b.

Function: %domain-superset? type domain-a domain-b
Function: %domain-superset?/strict type domain-a domain-b

Return #t if domain-a is a superset or strict superset of domain-b.

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