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33.1 Data types and conventions

A range is a pair representing a half–open interval of items. The car of the pair if the included lower–limit, called start; the cdr is the excluded upper–limit, called past, or the included upper–limit, called last. Empty ranges are not valid.

A domain is a sorted list of ranges. Empty domains are empty lists. Ranges in a domain do not overlap and are not contiguous. A domain of half–open ranges has the following format:

((start1 . past1) (start2 . past2) (start3 . past3) ...)

with the constraints:

start1 < past1 < start2 < past2 < start3 < past3 < ...

a domain of double–closed ranges has the following format:

((start1 . last1) (start2 . last2) (start3 . last3) ...)

with the constraints:

start1 <= last1 < start2 <= last2 < start3 <= last3 < ...

The range and domain functions accept the following arguments:


Any object.


An object that satisfies the item? predicate of the selected type.


A valid range according to %range?.


A valid domain according to %domain?.


The included left–limit of a range.


The excluded lower–limit of a range.


The included upper–limit of a range.


A unary predicate returning #t if the argument is a valid item. For integers it can be integer?, while for characters it can be char?.

If we need to exclude some range of values, we can do it by properly define this function. For example, to exclude the integers in the half–open range [10, 23) we can use:

(lambda (n)
  (and (integer? n)
       (<= 10  n)
       (<   n 23)))

An n–ary predicate returning #t if the all the arguments are equal. char=? is an example of such a function.


An n–ary predicate returning #t if the all the arguments, in the given order, are in strict increasing order. char<? is an example of such a function.


An n–ary predicate returning #t if the all the arguments, in the given order, are in non–strict increasing order. char<=? is an example of such a function.


An n–ary function returning the minimum between its arguments. For numbers it can be min, for characters we can use:

(lambda (a b) (if (char<? a b) a b))

An n–ary function returning the maximum between its arguments. For numbers it can be max, for characters we can use:

(lambda (a b) (if (char<? a b) b a))

A binary function accepting an item and a range, or false, as arguments. The second argument can be #f, meaning that no range is specified, or a pair whose car is the left–limit and whose cdr is the right–limit; when the range is true, it is guaranteed that the item is inside the range.

This function must return the value previous to item inside the range; if it is not possible to compute the previous value, because the lower bound has been reached: The function must return #f.

For integers it can be:

(lambda (x range)       ; with both (one-dimension-cc)
  (let ((x (- x 1)))    ; and (one-dimension-co)
    (if range
        (and (<= (car range) x)

for characters it can be:

(lambda (ch range)      ; with (one-dimension-cc)
  (let* ((x  (- (char->integer ch) 1)))
    (and (number-in-range? x)
         (let ((ch (integer->char x)))
           (if range
               (and (<= x (char->integer (car range)))

(define (number-in-range? x)
  (or (and (<= 0 x)
           (<  x #xD800))
      (and (<  #xDFFF x)
           (<= x #x10FFFF))))

A binary function accepting an item and a range, or false, as arguments. The second argument can be #f, meaning that no range is specified, or a pair whose car is the left–limit and whose cdr is the right–limit; when the range is true, it is guaranteed that the item is inside the range.

This function must return the value next to item inside the range; if it is not possible to compute the next value, because the upper bound has been reached: The function must return #f.

For integers it can be:

(lambda (x range)       ; with (one-dimension-cc)
  (let ((x (+ 1 x)))
    (if range
        (and (<= x (cdr range))

(lambda (x range)       ; with (one-dimension-co)
  (let ((x (+ 1 x)))
    (if range
        (and (< x (cdr range))

for characters it can be:

(lambda (ch range)      ; with (one-dimension-cc)
  (let* ((x  (+ 1 (char->integer c))))
    (and (number-in-range? x)
         (let ((ch (integer->char x)))
           (if range
               (and (<= x (char->integer (cdr range)))

(define (number-in-range? x)
  (or (and (<= 0 x)
           (<  x #xD800))
      (and (<  #xDFFF x)
           (<= x #x10FFFF))))

A binary function:

The arithmetic - applied to integers is an example of such a function for half–open ranges; for characters and double–closed ranges we can use:

(lambda (past start)
  (+ 1 (- (char->integer past)
          (char->integer start))))

A unary function returning a copy of an item. For ranges holding atomic values (like characters or integers) it is fine to use (lambda (x) x).


A record used as type descriptor for collected items. It is used as first arguments to all almost all the functions. Type descriptors are built by %make-type-descriptor.

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