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Syntax: any?-ec ?qualifier ... test

Tests whether any value of test in the sequence of bindings specified by the qualifiers is true. If this is the case: #t is returned, otherwise #f. If there are no bindings at all, in the sequence specified by the qualifiers, then the result is #f. The enumeration of values stops after the first true value encountered.

Syntax: every?-ec ?qualifier ... test

Tests whether all values of test are true. If this is the case: #t is returned, otherwise #f. If the sequence is empty the result is #t. Enumeration stops after the first #f.

Syntax: first-ec default ?qualifier ... expression
Syntax: last-ec default ?qualifier ... expression

The first or last value of expression in the sequence of bindings specified by the qualifiers. Before enumeration, the result is initialized with the value of default; so this will be the result if the sequence is empty. Enumeration is terminated in first-ec when the first value has been computed.