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6.2 Finite map operations

Function: psq-ref PSQ KEY

Return the priority of KEY if it is in PSQ. If KEY is not in PSQ an assertion violation is raised.

(let* ((Q (make-psq string< <))
       (Q (psq-set Q "salut" 2))
       (Q (psq-set Q "hello" 1))
       (Q (psq-set Q "ciao"  4))
       (Q (psq-set Q "ohayo" 3)))
  (values (psq-ref Q "salut")
          (psq-ref Q "hello")
          (psq-ref Q "ciao")
          (psq-ref Q "ohayo")))
⇒ 2 1 4 3
Function: psq-set PSQ KEY PRIORITY

Return the priority search queue obtained from inserting KEY with a given PRIORITY. If KEY is already in the priority search queue, it updates the priority to the new value.


Return the priority search queue obtained by modifying the priority of KEY, by the given function PRIORITY-UPDATE. If KEY is not in PSQ: it is inserted with the priority obtained by calling the function PRIORITY-UPDATE on the value DEFAULT-PRIORITY.

PRIORITY-UPDATE must be a procedure accepting a priority value as single argument and returning a priority value as single value.

(let* ((Q  (make-psq string< <))
       (Q  (psq-set Q "salut" 2))
       (P1 (psq-ref Q "salut"))
       (Q  (psq-update Q "salut"
                       (lambda (P) (+ 2 P))
       (P2 (psq-ref Q "salut")))
  (values P1 P2))
⇒ 2 4

(let* ((Q  (make-psq string< <))
       (Q  (psq-update Q "salut"
                       (lambda (P) (+ 1 P))
  (psq-ref Q "salut"))
⇒ 10
Function: psq-delete PSQ KEY

Return the priority search queue obtained by removing the KEY/priority association from the PSQ. If KEY is not in the queue: the returned search queue will be the same as the original.

Function: psq-contains? PSQ KEY

Return #t if there is an association for the given KEY in PSQ, #f otherwise.

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This document describes version 0.5.0-devel.1 of MMCK PFDS.