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10.3 Inspection functions

Function: bbtree-size BBTREE

Return a non–negative integer representing number of elements in a bbtree.

Function: bbtree-contains? BBTREE KEY

Return #t if there is association for KEY in BBTREE, #f otherwise.

Function: bbtree-ordering-procedure BBTREE

Return the ordering procedure used internally to order BBTREE.

Function: bbtree-keys BBTREE

Return a list containing all the keys of BBTREE. The keys are sorted according to the bbtree’s ordering procedure.

(bbtree-keys (alist->bbtree '(("one" . 1) ("two" . 2))
⇒ ("one" "two")

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This document describes version 0.5.0-devel.1 of MMCK PFDS.