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4.3 Interoperability with CHICKEN

There is limited interoperability between the library (mmck exceptional-conditions) and the module (chicken condition) bundled with CHICKEN. We achieve it by setting CHICKEN’s exception handler to raise-continuable at the top level:

(module (demo)
  (import (scheme)
          (mmck exceptional-conditions)
          (prefix (chicken condition)

  (chicken::current-exception-handler raise-continuable)

  #| end of module |# )

or more simply:

(module (demo)
  (import (scheme)
          (mmck exceptional-conditions))


  #| end of module |# )
Function: mmck-exceptional-conditions-setup-interoperability

Set raise-continuable as current exception handler in the CHICKEN process.

With this setup we can catch exceptions raised with signal using MMCK Exceptional Conditions’s with-exception-handler:

(define C
      ;;This handler returns.
      (lambda (E) E)
    (lambda ()
       (chicken::make-property-condition 'demo
         'location  'me
         'message   "the message"
         'arguments '(1 2 3))))))

(chicken::get-condition-property C 'demo 'location)
⇒ me

(chicken::get-condition-property C 'demo 'message)
⇒ "the message"

(chicken::get-condition-property C 'demo 'arguments)
⇒ (1 2 3)

and we can catch exceptions raised with abort using MMCK Exceptional Conditions’s with-exception-handler:

    (lambda (escape)
          (lambda (E)
              (chicken::get-condition-property E 'demo 'location)
              (chicken::get-condition-property E 'demo 'message)
              (chicken::get-condition-property E 'demo 'arguments))))
        (lambda ()
           (chicken::make-property-condition 'demo
             'location  'me
             'message   "the message"
             'arguments '(1 2 3)))))))
⇒ (me "the message" (1 2 3))

notice that, due to how abort is defined, if the handler returns we enter an infinite loop, exactly like it happens with CHICKEN’s with-exception-handler.

It is not possible to handle exceptions raised with raise and raise-continuable using CHICKEN’s with-exception-handler; however, we can catch them and convert them:

    (lambda (escape)
          (lambda (E)
            (escape (error? E)))
        (lambda ()
            (lambda ()
                 (make-who-condition 'me)
                 (make-message-condition "the message")
                 (make-irritants-condition '(1 2 3))))))))))
⇒ #t

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This document describes version 0.1.0-devel.1 of MMCK Exceptional Conditions.